Southwest News Today

News, Sports, and More… (Formerly The Jerusalem Press)

In Their Own Words News Police

Too Many Wrongs, Not Enough Rights

The following is from Aysha Jusino-Camp

Dear Jerusalem Press;

It has been 2 weeks since I last wrote to you in the review of my absolute distaste of the way the El Paso Police Department has continued to treat my family because of my brave husband who saved a life on February 8th, 2024.

I just wanted to touch base because since May 17th, 2024, when the El Paso Police Department decided to violate and rape my residence under the direct orders of the Chief of Police (Pete Pacillas) under a Jail Magistrates Warrant to search my home. I want to make this clear, this “warrant to search” is for a Class A Misdemeanor, and any form of historical boundaries of searches permitted to search one’s residence is unheard of and unjust for a simple Class A offense. In this case of absurd waste of taxpayers’ money on an absolute vendetta – a witch hunt against my husband. To make things clear, my husband did the unthinkable; he spoke up against the higher-ranking officials for wrongdoings in the department, documented wrongdoings, and verbalized this loud and clear, thinking the oath he took would not just apply to the citizens of El Paso but also internally to speak against wrongdoings inside the El Paso Police Department.

My husband took the time to listen to the views and concerns of his fellow Officers and would always go above and beyond the call of duty, which is obvious in the video of saving a man’s life. He was involved in an incident where he and 7 other Officers were in the line of fire at 8500 Dyer and saved another man’s life who attempted to jump off a hospital ledge several floors up. My husband has NEVER been thanked for his work, never been recognized for any formal celebrations or any medals awarded by the department. Please understand this is not about patting my husband on the back or a hero-type welcome, it’s far from this; it’s about doing the service of an Officer or sergeant as the oath he swore by to protect and to serve the community.

What’s frustrating to witness is that my husband was the only Sergeant in his own Region (Northeast) that Officers could turn to, to speak with, to vent because my husband cared about his Officers. My husband listened and took up their fight after gaining all factual leads to be their voice for the Officers, regardless of who they were. Chris loved his Region despite personal differences between other formal ranking Lieutenants and commanders by their own prejudices and personal biases against Chris.  (This will be explained in more detail further down the road).

Chris is a Sergeant who took upon the Officer’s rights, and their general concerns to heart and was always the voice of reason and an inspiration to these Officers. It was always displayed and verbalized inside their shift meetings, Chris made them appreciate each other, and one another and built them up to the standards of what Officers should be, could be, and therefore are.

It was this theme and characteristic that cannot be taught, this comes from many years of experience gained in the corporate world of high finance and big-budget productions of Film and Television Industries that gave him the voice and the “direction” of who he is today! He is Australian by his very nature and by heart and nobody EVER gave a second to understand how Australians worked or even considered to know more about my Husband’s heritage. My husband conformed to the El Paso Police Department culture. My husband soon realized that to be structured inside the internal mechanisms of the Department you would have to basically “lie” and follow the trend of doing what’s best for higher-ranking officials to make them look good, and Chris did not conform to those expectations because his morals, ethics, and integrity were at odds with one another. Chris believed that the Officers are the unsung heroes of the Department, they are the voice of peace they are the hands of justice, they are the boots on the ground doing their job to the best of their abilities despite being dangerously crippled by low retention. Chris understood the Officers because it wasn’t too far back when he too was an Officer, and he observed their frustrations and how people would not fight for them. Chris, when he was an Officer and a Sergeant would show backbone and fight for their needs to do their job, Chris stood ahead of his officers and would fight for them because nobody would, including the second floor (Chief’s Office).

Chris wrote and documented legal wrongs of people’s actions often including Lieutenants who were hiding in shadows and leading from a desk. Their only form of existence was to use their rank and title as a means of being “something” or to grab as much money they could on the Department’s dime to abuse the system. These wrongdoings should be documented, should be reported this is the right thing to do to any mainstream citizen who expects a department to enforce its rules appropriately, but this does not happen to Lieutenants.

I thoroughly believe in my heart that Chris’s documented wrongdoings caused a stir in the Chief’s Office who have certain people they protect regardless of their wrongdoings. Chris did the right thing to report and voice these concerns, Chris did not deserve to be retaliated against by doing so. I don’t deserve to have my house violated or raped for a life-saving act that my husband did on February 2024. I don’t deserve to have my father’s remains being opened and violated looking for a thumb drive that contains my husband saving a man’s life. This is beyond any form of proper investigation; this is personal and to this day since May 17th I have yet to get a formal apology for those actions from SIU (Special Investigations Unit) or CSU (Crime Scene Unit) or Chief Pete Pacillas!

My husband has yet to get his external hard drive back from SIU which has been echoed to several international media outlets. I will not stand by and allow this Department to continue to prey on anyone’s rights who dares to speak against this Department. Sgt Mike Chavez of SIU you are responsible for taking this Hard Drive, and the value of this Hard Drive means to my husband and my family, this is purely a cruel dictatorship manner of nothing but “spite” under the shadows of Chief Pacillas.

In closing: I will continue this fight for as long as I need to because this goes beyond my experience. This goes to every person who has been victimized by this department because of personal retaliation, or vendetta against you or your family. Remember my husband Sergeant Camp who should be Lieutenant Camp due to his valor in saving a man’s life and his Officers on Feb 8th, 2024) has been made to be the Poster Child for personal reasons beyond this scope of an article from the Chief’s Office. My husband’s name has been slandered, blackened, and smeared by the department. I employ the citizens of El Paso to speak up, demand change, demand answers, demand better of this department, and support my husband because there is no one to fight for your rights or the Officer’s rights.

I would like to boastfully state: for those wanting to pull a “Camp” – Cops Against Malicious Power” Continue this fight because the other side to this coin is what they are doing to my husband they will eventually do to YOU! I am sure this isn’t the first time they have done this to one of your own but I can assure you, I will fight to make sure it is the last time.