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News Police

Something Is Rotten in EPPD

10 May 2024, El Paso, Texas, Steven Zimmerman—Over the last two days, we have received almost fifty (50) emails from officers within the El Paso Police Department. These emails show the department’s deteriorating morale. They also speak to a larger problem that neither EPPD nor the City of El Paso plans to correct.

Sergeant Christopher Camp, who put his own life on the line to save a suicidal suspect and is being investigated for that, would be up for promotion to Lieutenant. However, because of hurt egos within the department and the lies shared by a local news outlet, Camp will remain a sergeant. 

“Camp should be an LT,” says an officer with EPPD. “But they want to promote a drunk in his place. Gives you lots of confidence, doesn’t it?”

“There’s an officer you’ve written about that thinks Camp is the only one talking to you,” says another officer, “he’s being punished because of us, and we are mad about that.”

Another officer, who is currently assigned to the Northeast Regional Command says, “after they moved Camp, we just don’t have a voice. That move was without merit.”

To read about Camp, and how he saved a life, click here.

Sergeant Grijalva will be promoted to Lieutenant. This is the Sergeant who was pulled over for DWI, lied to officers on the scene, and then asked officers to call another officer who would get her out of trouble. 

You can click here to read more about her and watch the video of her arrest.

Of course, she is going to be promoted. The El Paso Police Department habitually rewards the bad guys with a badge rather than fighting the lawsuit after their termination. 

She is a criminal with a badge. Sergeant Grijalva, is this you?

Lieutenant Surface will be able to retire with no punishment. Why not, right?

The El Paso Police Department said of John Surface, “The department will proceed with the appropriate legal actions to hold those involved accountable for their actions. We believe that accountability is a fundamental aspect of maintaining public trust and ensuring the highest level of service to our community.”

Of course, nothing will be done. The charges of official oppression against this shining example of a crooked cop have been dropped. You can read the article we wrote by clicking here.

You have to love a department that loves to sweep the actual crimes committed by officers under the rug and then ignore the officers who actually put their lives on the line, day after day, for you and me.

“Surface is not someone I want to work with,” says an officer with the El Paso Police Department. “It disgusts me that he even has a badge. Why? What the hell is wrong with our commanders?”

Lieutenant Rodriguez will never get in trouble for excessive hours because they are “extra-duty” and not “off-duty” hours. An officer has told us that it’s a loophole.

“Nothing, nothing will happen,” says another officer currently assigned to the Northeast Regional Command Center. “Nothing will ever happen to him because a lot of us believe he and Inciriaga are having an affair.”

Another officer says that Cmdr. Julia Inciriaga is protecting Rodriguez.

“He’s [Rodriguez] a cry baby,” says another officer. “He will cry enough that he will get whatever he wants. We lost a damn good sergeant in Camp because of Rodriguez bitching.”

“Sergeant Camp was forced to the Mission Valley due to causing Lieutenant Rodriguez to have a hostile work environment,” says another officer.

Need more on Rodriguez? 

“Mr. Zimmerman, take the time to FOIA all the complaints filed against Rodreguez,” says yet another officer with the El Paso Police Department. “If they want that transparency they lie about, they will send them to you. If not, I will.”

We will be requesting everything we can on Rodreguez. We’ve received far too many emails about him, his brand of intimidation and bullying, and his failure to actually do any police work. 

“Frank is a schoolyard bully,” says another officer who used to work with Rodreguez. “He’s a punk.”

Hey, Pacillas, remember the email you sent out talking about the welfare of the officers? Here it is, in case you forgot your own words:

When will you listen to the officers under your command and do something that benefits them and not you?

We’ll be praying for the officers at the Westside Regional Command. Your new financial officer, Lt. Rodriguez, is heading your way.

I have to sit back and wonder what the El Paso Police Department thinks. Why promote the problem officers while ignoring those who do actual police work daily? 

Then there are the other local media outlets who don’t seem to challenge the Police Department for fear of losing that “inside” source of information from the PIO. It doesn’t make sense. 

For example, why are we the only outlet talking about Sgt. John Chavez and his two DWIs?

Sgt. John Chavez, who recently moved to the Northeast Substation of the El Paso Police Department, has two bending DWI cases in District Court.

Sgt. Chavez was pulled over for speeding by El Paso Police Officer N. van Buren. According to the case narrative, “Signs of intoxication were observed on the driver.”

If the PIO says they embrace transparency, then why am I the only one talking about Chavez and his upcoming hearings? It’s total bullshit, pardon my speaking frankly, but the department is pushing out good officers, promoting what equates to scum, and the local media ignores it.

If you are an officer and want us to help you, use the form below to contact. We will never reveal your identity.