Southwest News Today

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We have removed Sgt Eric Payan from this article. We were provided information that countered what was written in this article. Sgt Payan, we apologize to you and your wife.

If you wish to reach out to us, please send an email to [email protected]

Rumors have a way of digging up old secrets and hidden truths.

What follows are just “rumors.” As we all know, romors tend to have a grain of truth to them. It’s been a busy week! Each of these rumors has been provided by officers within the El Paso Police Deartment.

Let’s start with Ms. Han:

Stephanie Han was already known before she applied to the El Paso Police Department. “We got a boxer starting the academy,” was what many would say. Joe Lopez, one of the alleged predators at the Academy really took a shine to Ms. Han. Chief Allan dubbed her, “The Princess.”

Once Ms. Han was pinned as a probationary officer, she was sent to the Westside Regional Command. Rumor mill states that Han spent more time off the streets during her initial introduction to police duties. Her appeal was her family’s name.

When Ms. Han became pregnant, she was placed on desk duty. She was no longer taking calls. She was then assigned to the Honor Guard, where she was mostly absent, but managed to show up for all photo opportunities.

Ms. Han has spent more time off the streets than patrolling. Even the Chief of Police spent less time on the streets than most, before he was moved to a desk job.

Han is currently working in Planning and Research.

Han is the only police officer allowed to use her police uniform to promote violence, as a boxer. EPPD is playing favorites. We’ve also been told that the department provides tickets to officers to attend her fight, promotes her boxing activities on the EPPD website, and commercials representing the department.

“I wanted to department to get behind me,” said one officer. “I was told that the department cannot promote outside ‘interests.’”

Another officer asked, “How is this even fair or ethically moral to allow this to continue?”

When an officer becomes famous, how can they effectually perform their duties? Oh, that’s right, they are given a desk.

. Assistant Chief Julie Inciriaga and Assistant Chief Silva sexual interlude with Lt. Ricardo Medina (Love triangle) where both Chief’s end up exchanging blows/insults causing Assistant Chief Silva to be forced to work from home. It was known that lt. Medina had constant sexual relationships with Julie Inciriaga from her time at the West Side, Northeast, and as a Chief.

. Lt. Frank Rodriguez having sex with at the time Commander Julie Inciriaga (Northeast Regional Command Center).

. Lt Frank Rodriguez would stalk a female Officer that worked on his shift to the point she was u comfortable and spoke to other colleagues but they stated if you complain he will get off with it, he’s fucking the commander.

. Lt. Frank Rodriguez stated to a female Officer one time: “I will fuck the gay out of you” and she was removed from her region!

. Lt. Jason Johnson soon to be Commander: having sex inside his office at the Academy with fellow civilians (oral sex) being performed under his desk at the Academy.

. Sgt Robert Gomez (PIO) gets his female officers by having them sit on his lap to be considered as a PIO (No education or experience required)

. Lt. Gabe Peralta: Having sex with fellow Officers when he was at the Chief’s Office (Officer Pacheco) was one of his victims, he was known to be “sexually” active inside the chief’s office.

. Personal friends with Sgt Jessica Grivalva ? (when her DWI arrest was recorded) he gave specific orders to have NOBODY review or record the arrest!

. Sgt soon to be Lt. Clifford is known in the department to have a mental illness where he threatened to kill himself with a gun during an argument with his ex-spouse and threatened his wife that nobody would believe that he would kill himself.

. Sgt John Chavez sexually harassed female Officers at Pebble Hills, Mission Valley, and Northeast Regional Command.

. Sgt J. Harvel has been sexually exploiting female Officers that he is in command of at his regions, one recently was married to another officer.

. Lt. Milner protected a fellow Officer involved in a DWI / hit and run incident where she recommended that this Officer go to his house and not answer the door to any Officers.

. Lt. M. Franco was under investigation for harassment and having sexual relationships inside her office at PDHQ while performing sexual acts on her office desk while working as a Lt. Hostile work environments were created against her but she was “unfounded” despite causing a female civilian to quit her job due to the harassment of Lt. Franco.

. Lt. R. Zavala was allowed to do whatever he wanted, his Lt. promotion was held for him specifically to be promoted, he ended up bringing over his own “team” to Internal Affairs almost all of Auxiliary support (showing favoritism and bias).

. Lt. Eric Watts was always found to be sleeping on the job as a Lieutenant, hijacked a truckload of onions placed them into the rear of his marked police vehicle, and drove them to the Northeast where he kept them for free food for cookouts.

. Lt. Tong would personally make up policy and rules out of the air to suit himself for example: gaining permission from Sergeants to use road flares for vehicle accidents. He stated that there is no use for roadside flares without higher-ranking approval first!

. Lt. Rangel would belittle Officers take their badges off their uniforms and make that Officer work the remainder of the shift without his badge, this is against Policy!

. Commander Ignacio Hernandez one of the most incompetent leaders is so afraid of the Chief’s Office that he will enact anything and do anything to please these criminals. Making officers chase ghosts and waste their patrol times to make sure everything is above board interfering and causing more work to already-beaten officers. Has no clue about police procedures and does not trust anyone but the Chief’s Office.

. Assistant Chief Talamantes rubber stamps everything as long as it does not cause him any actual work, he is built to say YES and YES only to please the second floor, this is a coward who defies the reason why he has a badge, oh we know as he goes through knee pads quicker than Frank Rodriguez goes through TXDOT assignments.

. If you have had a family member who worked for the EPPD and they were part of the “click” the chances are you will be promoted and awarded a safe soft spot to collect your checks and forever do nothing, this is your department at work!

. PIO’s use city cars for their own personal businesses, like shopping, hair cut appointments, all for personal use without any form of checks and balances, They do not go out to calls when Officers request their presence at crime scenes when media shows up.

. Now Chief Pacillas (Previously) wanted to kill himself with his gun and needed a mental evaluation for fitness for duty.

. A Retired Police Officer blew his head off at the Police academy due to sexual allegations made against him by his stepdaughter!

. Officers gaining personal information from female civilians gain their information and do a knock and talk follow up for sex, this still goes on today!


Jared Lamb – I’m a retired El Paso police officer. The place is a joke. The administration is even worse. Everyone one of those names I know and have even worked with a few. The only one I’ll confirm as true is that quack Stephanie Han. Although she wears a uniform she isn’t a cop. Now she’s an instructor at the police academy. Which she has no businesses doing. Why? Because she has absolutely no experience in the streets. This is a major liability for the department. There is a national attack on our police officers because of untrained officers like the white deputy in Illinois that shot and killed that black woman while holding a pot of water. Yet the El Paso Police Academy allows inexperienced officers like Han be an instructor there for El Paso’s future officers. I can’t help but think, this why police officers in this nation are making such horrible decisions because police academies nation wide are allowing officers like Stephanie Han to teach and be on staff. Challenge Stephanie Han to put that uniform on and go handle calls. Stephanie you took an oath to be a cop not a wack ass boxer or celebrity.


  1. I’m a retired El Paso police officer. The place is a joke. The administration is even worse. Everyone one of those names I know and have even worked with a few. The only one I’ll confirm as true is that quack Stephanie Han. Although she wears a uniform she isn’t a cop. Now she’s an instructor at the police academy. Which she has no businesses doing. Why? Because she has absolutely no experience in the streets. This is a major liability for the department. There is a national attack on our police officers because of untrained officers like the white deputy in Illinois that shot and killed that black woman while holding a pot of water. Yet the El Paso Police Academy allows inexperienced officers like Han be an instructor there for El Paso’s future officers. I can’t help but think, this why police officers in this nation are making such horrible decisions because police academies nation wide are allowing officers like Stephanie Han to teach and be on staff. Challenge Stephanie Han to put that uniform on and go handle calls. Stephanie you took an oath to be a cop not a wack ass boxer or celebrity.

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