Southwest News Today

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In Their Own Words Police

Rules For Thee, Not For Me (Or the Masses)

26 September 2024, El Paso, Texas, Aysha Jusino-Camp – The New Catch Me All from Internal Affairs:

So, I was cleaning / arranging my husband’s office when I stumbled upon a recent Internal Affairs disposition or suspension notice of 56 hours. I was wondering why my husband was a little distant lately, but now I understand clearly, I read this notice with absolute laughter due to the irrational and nonsensical narratives associated with these sets of questions of allegations made against my husband from a known coward with a badge Lt. Frank Rodriguez formerly Northeast Regional Command Center now creating problems at West Side Regional Command Center.

I will respond accordingly to each false narrative of questioning from Internal Affairs against my husband.

IA Recitals (alleged Hostile work environment, releasing information to the media, sending police documentation to his personal e-mail address, talking police matters with his spouse, and doxing that was unfounded.)

On or about April 30 2024, the Internal Affairs Division of the Department began an administrative investigation, under Case IA24-0084, into certain alleged misconduct by Sgt. Christopher Camp #2792 that occurred on or about the dates of April 3rd, 21st, 25th, and May 14th, 2024 when he

Obtained personal information related to a department employee for any reason other than official Department use.

Made copies of an official correspondence except by permission of the Chief of Police (Department email forwarded to his personal email and published in an independent social media outlet

Communicated or gave police information to his spouse concerning the business of the Department, which is detrimental to the Department,

Engaged in conduct that has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an employee’s work performance (content contribution about complainant sent to an independent social media outlet,

Emailed the EPPD Procedures Manual and Mission statement to his personal email,

Contributed to an article intended for publication (Department Mission Statement file) concerning the affairs of the Department without prior consent of the Chief of Police.

Sustained allegations reached by the Disciplinary Review Board:

Rules and Regulations – Rule 9 – Conduct Discrediting to the Department ( C ), (D), (G), (M) / Rule 11 – Gossiping – Unauthorized Information (B) / Rule 22 – Public Addresses, Permissions Requested”

Sustained on 6 out of 7 allegations: Total Hours 120 hours, reduced to 80 Hours, reduced by settlement of 56 hours.

Obtained personal information related to a department employee for any reason other than official Department use.

My husband gained this information due to Lieutenant Frank Rodriguez who was expressing his excessive overtime amounts with his proctor Sgt Mike Garcia of TXDOT / PD HQ, Keep in mind that my husband originally made a complaint against this same person (Frank Rodriguez) for refusing to act, rendering aid and ordering a Police Sergeant to step down from an Active shooter, multiple casualties and a murder scene at 8500 Dyer street on October 16th 2022, where the El Paso Police Department, Internal Affairs failed to act like this Lieutenant did by running away from their responsibilities. But regardless of persecuting my husband, any student who is studying for statistics, demographics, wages you can always search for free on an open public record/site to review any person(s) wages such as the following: I’m sure this will be very interesting for people to see the copious amounts of monies and personal information that’s public.

You may click here to see the above page, and search for other officers as well.

Made copies of an official correspondence except by permission of the Chief of Police (Department email forwarded to his personal email and published in an independent social media outlet.

Once again, this was an allegation referring to a really good e-mail that was written by a female sergeant who reached out to the Police Association in a matter of concern for officer safety. This was correspondence that should have been framed for the utmost respect for the lives and safety of officers. My husband simply sent this email for reference only, in fact he sent it to his family in Australia in regards to the strains of Policing in today’s world. My husband never made contact with any media outlet in regard to this correspondence. Once again, the allegations made against someone is now enough cause to crucify someone without any form of proof or evidence from the original allegation. This opens the doors for any allegations that will be found sustained. My husband is now proof of this.

Communicated or gave police information to his spouse concerning the business of the Department, which is detrimental to the Department.

look at this allegation, is this really the terminology that is being used to suspend my husband!! This should be a huge concern for all Officers, basically this catch me all wording is now going to buy you suspensions for simply doing a humane act of communicating to your spouse. This is absolutely a human / civil rights issue now controlling what, how, and who you can talk to, your rights are now going to be taken away from this simple line of an allegation for allowing a husband to communicate about his day to his own spouse will now get you disciplined!

Engaged in conduct that has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an employee’s work performance (content contribution about complainant sent to an independent social media outlet.

Once again, look at this allegation, the terminology that is being used to suspend my husband for a Lt. Frank Rodriguez complaint made against my husband for a Hostile work environment in May 2024. Yet, my husband made a hostile work environment against him in May of 2023 where witnesses, and statements from officers who observed, heard the very echoes of racial, prejudice remarks against my husband was found not sustained on all wrong doing? But my husband is found sustained and removed from the Northeast Regional Command Center to the Mission Valley Regional Command, when Lt. Frank Rodriguez was transferred by his own transfer papers to go to the West Side for his own personal reasons, what a coincidence? Let’s not mention when our house was raided on May 17th, 2024, on a search warrant? Then my husband lost his credentials and placed on administrative leave with pay since May 18th 2024? You took all our electronic devices, personal hard drives and thumb drives, surely you would have severe evidence of such conduct in your custody! Where’s the evidence? Where’s the proof associated with these outrageous lies of false reporting against my husband?

Emailed the EPPD Procedures Manual and Mission statement to his personal email.

The Police promotional examinations are to study the “Policy and Procedures” which every Officer in the Department will either print all the materials out for hard copy using the City’s equipment (Printer, Paper) and have it for hardcopy review. Or the most convenient way that everyone does is email the policies to their personal e-mail address for electronic versions or to copy the information onto a thumb drive, either way the information is taken from the City to have copies made for promotional means. Under the very wording of this accusation, all people who have ever taken a test should be questioned and suspended for trying to promote within the Police Department by using their own instructions and readings of their own city policies to be a study guide.

The mission statement is as follows: located on the “bing” search engine – by typing “what is the El Paso Police Departments Mission Statement” A publicly accessible Police Mission Statement but:

It is the mission of the El Paso Police Department to preserve life, to provide services with integrity and dedication, to enforce the law, and to work in partnership with the community to enhance the quality of life in the City of El Paso.

Contributed to an article intended for publication (Department Mission Statement file) concerning the affairs of the Department without prior consent of the Chief of Police.

Once again what on god’s green earth is this even referring to? What my husband is guilty of is speaking up against a crooked, coward that is backed by the El Paso Police Department under the rank of a Lieutenant (Frank Rodriguez) where he made this very known on October 16th 2022 and again on May 2023, but once again the El Paso Police Department turned it’s back on my husband for being the voice of concern. My husband is guilty of speaking up against wrongdoing and backing his Officers, and of course saving a man’s life where this Department has failed miserably in law and order. These allegations and accusations are all based on assumptions through personal biasness against my husband. There is not one factual piece of evidence relating to any material that was used to harm, to discredit, to tarnish the El Paso Police Department. The El Paso Police Department is the one who is tarnishing their brand by failing to do what’s right for their citizens.

I am sending this out as a huge warning to officers because YOU too will be guilty of any of the above through simple allegations without any form of truths, evidence, or facts to back these allegations made against you. YOU are the sacrificial lamb for the department, let this be a huge warning and for the audacity to start suspending officers for talking to their significant others is beyond your legal rights, human rights, civil rights to simply ask your significant other :”How was your day”?, well let me tell you ……..This is now your new catch me all to suspend you. My husband is living proof!

My husband knows absolutely nothing of this article I am writing to the South West News Today, as a proud wife of a local hero I will do everything I can to always speak up to defend my husband because this is the right thing to do, tyranny must be extinguished and the wrong doings must be rooted out, what my family has gone through is absolutely deplorable in every sense of the word. My husband did absolutely nothing wrong except be one of the good guys, I will never stop speaking for the men and women of the blue nor will I ever stop defending the truths of my family and my husband until justice is done legally.


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