Southwest News Today

News, Sports, and More… (Formerly The Jerusalem Press)

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Guyana Presidents’ Son Puts on Tefillin, Receives Matzah for First Time

Guyana Presidents’ Son Puts on Tefillin, Receives Matzah for First Time.

IDF Strikes

Important actions conducted by the Israeli Defense Force

The Truth is a Hard Pill to Swallow

Another officer with the El Paso Police Department comes forward to share their story.

News Never Stops, But…

The news never stops, it’s an unending grind that demands constant attention and sacrifice. However, the news cannot come before…

PD Contract, Pay, and More

On Thursday and Friday, I had the opportunity to speak with more than a few officers with the El Paso Police Department. Each officer recalls my work with the El Paso Herald-Post and police contracts and pay scales. Back then, I was fighting to get anything on a FOIA.

Pesach Message From Rabbi Moshe Hauer: A Seder Lesson From The Hostage Families

Everything you have taught us over these six torturous months can be summarized in a biblical phrase, vayima’ein l’hitnacheim, “(they) refused to be consoled.” You put your lives on hold and dedicate your every moment to advocating, traveling, and speaking on behalf of your loved ones held captive. You have demonstrated what true commitment to family looks like. It is a lesson we badly needed, and we hope we have begun to learn.

The Faded Blue Line: An EPPD Officer Speaks Out

An officer with the El Paso Police Department speaks out about the corruption and criminals with badges.

Texas Announces New Appointees to Holocaust Advisory Commission 

The agency’s mission is to combat and confront hatred, prejudice and indifference by educating Texans about the Holocaust and other genocides.

Sun Metro’s Lift – a Disgrace

One of our greatest and most neglected resources is our elders. They have raised us and guided us, and they continue to do so regardless of health or age. Sadly, the City of El Paso seems to want to ignore their needs, creating fear and confusion in a woman in her 80s.