Southwest News Today

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Opinion Police

My Unprofessional Opinion Piece

15 August 2024. Mesilla Park, NM, Steven Zimmerman – We received the following email yesterday:

t.chavira[email protected]
Wed 8/14/2024 5:26 PM

It is sad thst the “officers” giving the information to have it in print, will not give their names.  At one time the association had its own newspaper, which read very similar, lots of accusations, insinuations, and insults, but never a line with someones name. (This sounds the same) When you put something in writing, you are required to give names of where the information is coming from. (Winesses?)if you cant do that, then you are just a hater, tearing down people and their careers

Sent from my T-Mobile 5G Device

Here is my unprofessional response:


Want me to put the names of the officers who sent this to us? Just for you we will violate their right to remain unknown. That is a right they have when they are acting as whistleblowers. 

Now, why don’t we then publish the video of Officer Saved by Dolphins being told to change his statement after the Walmart shooting. He was told three times to stop lying on it. How about I publish that so the Federal conviction can be overturned?

How about we publish the car videos we have been sent showing officers sexually harassing people? How about we put that one out?

I am sick of officers who want to say we are ruining carers when you have officers that are shit. For fuck sake, read some of the comments on the articles left by current and former cops.

Here’s the problem, the El Paso Police Department has a small percentage of officers who should not wear a badge. These officers have DWIs, prior criminal histories, excessive use of force, lying on official reports, and ignoring EPPD’s policy on overtime. The bad outweigh the good.

We’ve identified twenty-seven officers and command staff that need to collect an unemployment check. These are officers that other officers agree are a problem. The answer, sadly, is always the same, “Hey, it’s El Paso, what do you expect.”

I’ll tell you what, when the Chief of Police agrees to an interview, and the PIO’s acknowledge our emails and answer them, we’ll start saying who says what.

Until then, not answering is tack agreement that what is being said is true. If you’ve nothing to hide, then speak to us. As you will see, from the Rumors article, we are more than willing to remove information, apologize, and move on. But the El Paso Police Department Command Staff cares more about saving face than admitting the truth.

Example? This comment about Officer Han:

I’m a retired El Paso police officer. The place is a joke. The administration is even worse. Everyone one of those names I know and have even worked with a few. The only one I’ll confirm as true is that quack Stephanie Han. Although she wears a uniform she isn’t a cop. Now she’s an instructor at the police academy. Which she has no businesses doing. Why? Because she has absolutely no experience in the streets. This is a major liability for the department. There is a national attack on our police officers because of untrained officers like the white deputy in Illinois that shot and killed that black woman while holding a pot of water. Yet the El Paso Police Academy allows inexperienced officers like Han be an instructor there for El Paso’s future officers. I can’t help but think, this why police officers in this nation are making such horrible decisions because police academies nation wide are allowing officers like Stephanie Han to teach and be on staff. Challenge Stephanie Han to put that uniform on and go handle calls. Stephanie you took an oath to be a cop not a wack ass boxer or celebrity.

The comment is from a retired El Paso Police Officer by the name of Jared Lamb.

The El Paso Police Department has a problem, and it sure isn’t what we are publishing and what a myriad of officers provide us.

What about this radio traffic from the shooting at 8500 Dyer?

You hear officers calling for FMS (Fire Medical Services) over and over. They never come. The individual who was shot ended up dying at the scene, most likely because NO ONE WOULD SEND FMS.

Police even attempted to drive him in the back of a police car in hopes of getting him to the life-saving services he needed. Maybe some supervisor who should have been there should be taken to court over this death.

And KFOX News in El Paso always asks for questions when the PIO is going to be with them. Why is it that KFOX never asks the questions from the public? Why is it that PD wants to craft an image like they did with a story at KTSM?

The officer saving the life in that video is not part of CIT (Crisis Intervention Team). He’s a patrol sergeant. Nowhere in the documentation that KTSM references does it say Officer Camp is CIT.

The problem is not us tearing down careers. No, the problem is the El Paso Police Department punishing officers who are trying to do the right thing, while rewarding those who are essentially problem children, who should be banished to the Island of Misfit Cops.

How about this, a former EPPD Officer, accused of sexual assult, still trying to be a cop:

Detroit PD denied academy entry to former El Paso officer accused of sexual assault

EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) – A former El Paso Police Department officer accused of sexually assaulting two women was denied entry into the Detroit Police Department Academy. A spokeswoman for the Detroi…

So, if you have evidence that something we publish is not correct, use the contact form below to reach out to us. Or, send your proof to [email protected] – the proof is in the pudding. Otherwise, silence is tact agreement.

Or, how about this one? We’ll leave you with one more article about officers, and the department being sued.

El Paso Family Alleges Retaliation by Police After Filing Lawsuit Over Arrest

An El Paso family, the Holguins, claims they are being targeted by the El Paso Police Department following a lawsuit they filed over an alleged illegal arrest in 2022. This case has garnered attention due to its implications for police conduct and accountability, and its proximity to the Big Bend Region makes it particularly relevant…


  1. Hello.

    I hope that this news agency will once again report on facts and not opinions. I understand that any issues with the police can become heated. However, once you start reporting based on emotions and not facts, it erodes your argument and makes it appear as more of a personal grudge instead of seeking the truth. High school is full of different rumors, the majority of them being untrue. But these rumors can cause ripple effects that can destroy the lives of innocent people. If I were to say that a certain person sleeps around and had an abortion, creating baseless rumors, this could destroy that person’s life. It also does not create any type of moral obligation for this person to defend themself. They should not have to come to me, or anyone else, and explain that they don’t sleep around and never had an abortion. How can a person truly defend themselves from something that is made up and never happened.

    Now, if I were to report that another person was arrested and charged with a DWI, this would be a fact. It is something you could ask about because there is proof that the event happened. In the same case though, if a person is pulled over for a DWI and is not charged, it could mean that they were not intoxicated. There are many different reasons as to why they were not charged. They could have been distracted. They could have had a medical episode. They could have taken some type of evasive action to avoid an accident. The point is, if they aren’t charged, then you shouldn’t assume that it was because the system is corrupt.

    There are a lot of rumors that you should not demand answers for, unless those rumors are backed by evidence, not accusations. I can accuse someone of sleeping all the time. It’s an easy accusation to make. How does someone prove they did not sleep. I can’t prove that I did or did not sleep last night.

    Like high school, the police department is full of tall tales, both good and bad. I have heard stories of officers embellishing arrest they have made or calls they have gone to. Instead of fighting with one subject for thirty seconds, it became half an hour. I’ve heard officers getting to a call way faster than physically possible, because they wanted everyone to know they responded quicker than anyone else. There are many instances that could be compared to catching a small fish, with each time the story being told the fish gets bigger and bigger. The same goes for officers and their personal problems. You might have an officer who comes in and doesn’t talk one day. It might start off that the officer is just having a bad day, then you hear from someone else that wasn’t even there that the officer fell asleep during shift meeting, and even possibly another saying the officer showed up to shift meeting drunk.

    Again, how do you expect this officer to prove that he was not drunk. You can argue that he didn’t take an alcohol breath test, or a urine test, but why should he or she have to take a test if they are not drunk.

    The onion story rumor here was the first time I heard that story. However, I can say that some people bring food to the police stations. If someone had brought onions and the Lieutenant took them and used them for the officers, that could have happened. It also seems like a boring story, so someone could have easily said, I bet he stole or found those onions. Suddenly the story is more exciting. If the onions had been stolen, especially the amount you implied had been. Wouldn’t there be someone that would have filed a report? Couldn’t there have been a complaint?

    Lastly, there are some officers, as in many other professions, that have their own personal reasons for not liking someone. A perfect example is with Jared Lamb and Officer Han. Officer Han might not be taking reports on the streets, but she is providing a service for the El Paso Police Department. She is helping with recruitment. She is helping to train officers how to fight safely. She is putting a positive spin on the department. Personal attacks without evidence are just that, personal attacks. Rumors can be rumors. You also can’t apply one set of rules for a friend. If Sergeant Camp is not a corrupt cop, he has been accused of a crime, then that same rule should apply to the other officers in your Rumor piece. If Sergeant Camp is never charged, should we demand that he be fired and tell everyone the system is rigged?

    I think the opinion piece about officers that are not allowed to defend themselves or shouldn’t have to because what was said are rumors, should be taken down and an apology issued. If someone was charged, report on that. If someone was videotaped doing something, report on that. If an officer has a dozen complaints for the same thing, report on that. If there are accusations of something that happened and there is an Internal Affairs investigation, report on that. But, if that officer is found not guilty, not charged, or not punished, take a page out of the Camp playbook and realize that they might not have done what was said of them.

    • I was not going to respond, but feel I must. The article will stand. Even though we posted as we did, we do have proof for almost all of it. The only two we didn’t have physical proof for, we removed.

      You need to understand, Officer, that the in the article did not come from Camp. The department is full of holes.

      For example, did you know we have video of Officer Dolphen Boy bing told to change his report after the Walmart shooting three times?

      Want me to go on? We have proof of the Chief of Police enguaging in sexual acts that are criminal. Police repotrs from 1999 just don’t go away.

      You guys need to get your game together, and firgure that we are not targeting the whold department. No, we’re not. We are targeting 21 officer who never should have been given a badge.

      For Example, Office Jessica, we have her court documents showing DWI, and her special pre-trial program that made even the arrist go away. We also have, takns to the EPCSO, her prior booking pictures from before she was a cop. Why didn’t PD exculde her? Make you wonder.

      Or, John Chavez, and his two DWI’s…

      You guys need to clean house.

      So, I’ll make a deal with you. If you want, we’ll publish all the nexgative stuff where you guys screwed up on the Walmart shooting. The guy will get his case overturned in the Feds, and it will be on you guys for not having cleaned house. Deal?

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