Let’s make this right….
The following was submitted to The Jerusalem Press. We are sharing the piece as is. We fell that there needs to be change within the El Paso Police Department.
Cops Against Malicious Power: Love it
Good Morning Mr., Zimmerman and the Jerusalem Press. I wanted to express my gratitude for reporting on the Camp story. I have read many articles based on this particular public interest story and I have to simply say W O W! This is a story that needs to be told and it needs the correct eyes to read it and to be the Camp’s voice. This is simply wrong on all major accounts of how this particular individual employed by the City of El Paso saved a man’s life! In all honesty, who cares how or why this video got released, this demonstrates that this individual – Sgt. Camp leaped beyond the regular scope of one’s duties to successfully detain the subject. Who the hell in their right mind would find this in any form a wrongdoing? To start an inquisition against this hero and his family for this life saved is unconscionable to begin criminal charges against this Sergeant.
It’s deplorable in any way you look at this, this City should be giving this Sgt the key to the city instead of trying to induct him into criminal court proceedings, and for what? HE SAVED A MAN’S LIFE PEOPLE!
This Chief Pacillas should be gone from his command and all the personnel who desecrated in the most personal and vile way to a person’s loved ones’ ashes in search of a video. El Paso you have now drawn a new title of embarrassment to your city orchestrated by your Police Department. This man Sgt Camp does not warrant the title of Lieutenant it’s quite obvious he cannot possibly fit that structure of running away from threats, instead he ran to the threat and it appears by past articles Sgt Camp has been ignored, shunted by his own Department previously for saving lives of your fellow citizens.
This man should be Chief of Police of his own actions that symbolize the very mould of a hero. He’s educated with three Degrees? And there is a question IF he is promoted. I wonder if it takes a tarnished shield like the current chief’s to make it to the “chair of thrones” By all counts Sgt Camp will be a martyr of what Police should be and not role-play a cop on the streets.
If I was this Chief I would be very wary to put this family through more hardship than what has already been done at the hands of his soldiers. I applaud the courage of Sgt Camp’s wife for speaking up about her experiences and for doing what is right! There should be media fanfare for this family and to sell this story to other media outlets, this is a NETFLIX show waiting to happen.
I would like to get in contact with Mrs. Camp and help spread the word of injustice for this family, Cops Against Malicious Power it’s only a matter of time before banners, flags, shirts, and stickers are made and I want in on this!
Thank you and keep the videos coming…… New York all the way!