Southwest News Today

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News Police

In Her Words: The Camp Story

11 July 2024, El Paso, TX, Steven Zimmerman – We have shared article after article about the El Paso Police Department. Now, we share the story of the Camp family, as told by Ms. Camp, wife to Police Sergeant Chris Camp of the El Paso Police Department.

What is Ms. Camp fighting for? According to Ms. Camp:

“I am fighting for my Husbands Rights to be reinstated as a Lieutenant that they failed and are deliberately holding this position to stop my husband for promoting, I am fighting for the reinstatement of my husband’s iPhone that was stolen without a warrant, I am fighting for all charges to be dropped from this fantasy witch hunt based purely on saving a man’s life. I am fighting for the Arrest of Lt. Frank Rodriguez for all the damage he has created against regions, officers and my husband along with gouging monies from TXDOT.”


“I am fighting for the rights of all officers who have been victimized at the hand of its own department, I am fighting for the removal of Chief Pacillas, Chief Inciriaga, the whole Chief’s Office floor for the Department of Justice to take over the operations.”

The El Paso Police Department has allowed a cancer to infect the second floor of 911 E Raynor.

Chief Pacillas, also known as Daddy Pacillas to some of his favorite officers, has allowed far too many officers to become lazy, crooked, or outright wicked.

According to Ms. Camp, “We must root out the lazy, the corrupt, and the abusers who are walking around with a uniform, badge, and gun, if we do not root out evil then this department and the community of El Paso will suffer at the hands of its silence.”

Rather than write an article, we are going to let one who is suffering at the hands of the department, a civilian who is married to an officer, speak for herself. Ms. Camp is the same person who provided us with the video of Officer Camp risking his life to save another.

After Ms. Camp provided the video, the El Paso Police Department began an investigation into Officer Camp which has cost the citizens of El Paso untold sums of money.

We begin with Ms. Camp and events that occurred at 8500 Dyer.

We close with Ms. Camp speaking about her husband being treated as a criminal for saving a life.