Southwest News Today

News, Sports, and More… (Formerly The Jerusalem Press)

In Their Own Words News

EPPD: A Vendetta Against a Good Cop

Aysha Camp, wife of Sgt. Christopher Camp reached out to us about her husband and the persecution they are facing at the hands of the El Paso Police Department.

The El Paso Police Department has a group of officers who are nothing short of Faustian. They rule in a draconian manner that prevents any other officer from effectively performing their job.

Over the coming week, we will release more information about Lt. Frank, a cop who collects DWIs like an Otaku who collects all things anime, and a woman poised for promotion who had a prior criminal history before joining EPPD.

We are presenting Ms. Camp’s letter just as she wrote it.

I wanted to write to you regarding my husband (Sgt Christopher Camp) who without doubt went above and beyond the call of duty in saving the life of Mr. Augustin on February 8th, 2024. I wanted to thank you for publishing this video that the world must see. I must admit, ever since I released the video to you, life has been turned upside down and not for the better in relation to my husband and our lives.

I would never imagine that the release of such a video would cause such a vendetta of the way the El Paso Police Department is treating us. The video released captures the true reality of what Police go through each day, otherwise if this was not correct why the need for Body Worn Cameras? Body Worn Cameras are supposed to assist in the development of any wrongdoings toward Officers or the community at large, it was supposed to be a mechanism to “Police -the Police”. This video opened the eyes of the community in reviewing the constant threat and interactions of the need for more understanding in respects to the mentally ill who in this case was facing a critical crisis.

We often see Police being ridiculed and punished for an incident like this one that often ends in a negative conclusion, we have seen too many news releases of a person being fatally shot due to an interaction between Officer and the mentally ill. I work in the mental health field professionally and I used to work for EHN (Emergence Health Network) who is partnered with CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) for the EPPD (El Paso Police Department) and I can assure you with my many years of experience in mental health this was a video that stood out in the right course of action that was taken by my husband.

A little bit about my husband that most people do not know: Chris has three degrees, yes Three Degrees! (Bachelor of Legal Studies with specialization in Tribal, Indigenous Law for Native Australians, from NSW, Australia) a master’s degree in Secondary Education and a master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling, yes, Mental Health Counseling! Chris is the only one in the El Paso Police Department as of now, holding such a degree with various experiences working with MHMR and Peak Hospital for Mental Health Crisis. My husband is way overqualified within this department to be facing persecution and retaliation for his brave actions on February 8th, 2024, from his own Department for saving a life!

Chris is very “Aussie proud” of his background, his culture and his way of communicating. Chris is very passionate and puts his words into action, this is why his own Region / Shifts love him as a supervisor because he “dares to care” about his Officers. He puts unconditional worth into the Officers, and adds Value to their self-worth, he backs them not by words but by actions, he stands with them, he stands beside them, and he will always be there for them. Chris motivates his Officers in ways that nobody else can, he has a real deep passion and talent that only Officers understand who have been lucky to work with him.

I am not just saying this as his proud wife, I say this because Chris has been getting unconditional support from his Officers whether this be through e-mails or text messages, why? Because Chris “Sgt Camp” never lost focus of how he was as an Officer, and he is truly humble, he is the shining example of how supervisors should be, never losing touch with reality and the danger of the job. The video demonstrates how Chris arrives on scene and literally disarms Mr. Augustin within 3 minutes of talking to him (man to man).

My husband is also on video telling his Officers :”Don’t do what I just did, this will get you killed” the reason why Chris is successful with being a role model and a fantastic supervisor is that he is willing to put his own life on the line to protect his fellow Officers without any hesitation, this video demonstrates that courage as he walks up to the scene and puts himself in imminent danger. Chris cares for his shift, his Officers and cares for the community, isn’t this is what we want our Police Department to be? Do we not need more Officers who are passionate about helping the community and officers who are more educated in how to handle people in a mental health crisis? Think about your own family members having a mental crisis, this could have been your mother, father, sister, brother, aunt (tia), or uncle (tio) facing a real dynamic crisis whose only option in their thought process is to kill themselves with a fully loaded weapon pointed at their head.

What would the result be if Chris wasn’t at this scene at this time, showing compassion and approaching the subject after quickly analyzing the threat? We don’t know the answers because often, Police don’t know whether this will be their last call of duty, this is the reality of the real world and being a Police Officer. I do know however, it takes experience, education, and know how, to do what Chris did to end the incident with no one getting injured in any way.

One would appreciate the ending being “happy”, but this is far, far from the truth. Our lives currently have been ripped apart by the El Paso Police Department over my release of this video. The El Paso Police Department through what I believe to be extreme personal retaliation, discrimination and harassment against my husband from Assistant Chief Julie Inciriaga, Chief Pete Pacillas, Sgt Robert Gomez, Internal Affairs, and Lt. Frank Rodriguez.

This isn’t the first time that my husband has demonstrated heroic acts within the community as a Police Sergeant of the El Paso Police Department. On October 16, 2022, there was an active shooter at 8500 Dyer where one male individual lost his life through gunshot wounds from a gang related incident. My husband along with 7 other brave officers (Officer J. Cervantes, M. Arias, T. Sneed, D. Silva, J. Beltran, Sgt J. Casarez, and Officer Valdez) were faced with a life-threatening situation that no training could prepare them for. The large crowd of about 200 people turned onto the Officers thinking they were the ones who were shooting and were completely and outnumbered by the crowd, 8 Officers alone. Lt. Frank Rodriguez (Acting Commander) failed to respond to the scene to help his fellow Officers who needed desperate assistance. Other units from other regions immediately assisted, but not Lt. Frank Rodriguez in fact he was working an off duty who happened to be just down the street from this incident, but no help was given by him.

My husband, and the 7 other brave officers could have been killed that evening and by the grace of God went home to their families. However, to this day they have never been provided a thank you, they didn’t receive an award, no lifesaving, no medal of valor, not even a mention in the “Silver Badge” PD newspaper, nothing from the Department. My husband wrote and documented a complaint and sent it to Internal Affairs about the incident with 25 pages of time-consuming evidence against Lt. Rodriguez for endless violations from the Departments own Policies and Procedures. My husband was disciplined for that complaint made against a Lieutenant, that Lieutenant was unfounded on all wrongdoings. I strongly believe that my husband is being targeted by his own Department because he dared to speak up against a high-ranking Officer.

My husband did nothing wrong, my husband did his job what he was trained to do but for some reason he is being made an “example” of a personal vendetta against his character, his ethics, and his integrity because my husband dared to challenge a Lieutenant. It is obvious to me, this video has nothing to do with what my husband did, he saved a life, he saved his officers, he saved the CIT personnel who were hiding in the bush and hiding behind a metal box nearby, they failed to do their job! They failed the community, they failed their unit, they failed the Department, BUT my husband is the one they are persecuting for an act of pure courage and above all compassion for his own community. They illegally stole his personal cell phone while he was at work and left my husband without any communication with his own shift or with me, all because SIU on the direct orders from Chief Pacillas told them to take it without a warrant. The officers were now left without any communication to their supervisor out on the field, this is the Department showing you how they care for their own Officers, leaving them out to dry. Then they wonder why they can’t get new recruits to be Police Officers in this city.

My family’s personal computers, laptops, iPad, Phones have been taken away and our house violated for a witch hunt surrounding the video! My husband has no means of communicating with his elderly parents in Australia, which he told SIU before they seized his phone and smirked when doing so, “telling him you will just have to get another phone.”

My husband was removed from the Northeast Regional Command Center to Mission Valley at the hands of Lt. Frank Rodriguez out of pure evil intentions and slanderous allegations against my husband. While at Mission Valley where he only spent 6 days working with his new Officers, which by the 2nd day of him being at Mission Valley Region, an Officer stated, “Sarge, please don’t ever leave us”. My husband was relieved of duty, and he was stripped of his police credentials and turned over to IA and placed on administrative leave with pay for this video of my husband saving a life! Once again, my husband saved a life, and this is what happens when you do!

The department will no doubt refuse to promote my husband even though he is vastly overqualified. I believe they are deliberately doing this to prevent him from promoting. I believe they see my husband as a threat due to his experience and qualifications plus the huge support from the officers because he has earned that respect unlike the people at the top. My husband is currently number 4 in line to get promoted but due to this nightmare that the department has created they will intentionally, recklessly, knowingly, deliberately they will either arrest him for false charges, wrongfully terminate him or deliberately expire him from the promotional list purely out of personal biasness. This in any communities’ eyes is by far unethical, illegal, inexcusable for the actions they are pursuing utilizing endless resources on the taxpayers dime, to prove what? This is your police department this is your finest, this should be a concern of all El Pasoans because if they are going after my husband who saved a life, what will they do to you?

In closing…The Department has made this personal, so now it’s time to get personal! They may have the power to silence my husband, but they do not have the power to silence me. You decide who the real criminal(s) is.