Southwest News Today

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News Police

Drunks and Crooks

4 July 2024, El Paso, Texas, George Allsopp – “The time has come,” the people of El Paso said, “to talk of the constabulary and their wicked ways.”

Despite my extensive experience, I was unprepared for the shocking level of misconduct within the El Paso Police Department.

It’s time to revisit John Chavez and everyone’s favourite financial advisor, Frank Rodriguez. I’m quite sure the latter believed we were done with him.

The Jerusalem Press has written about John Chavez in the past. Articles have been published about his love of the drink and his fondness for driving after a pint. There was an article about his latest charge, not paying the tradesmen for work on his home.

We’ve written about John Chavez and have questioned why he was still wearing a badge and reporting to work. Yes, Officer John “DWI” Chavez would don his uniform daily and report to the office to sit at a desk all day.

That has changed. John Chavez is now sitting at home, watching reruns of his favourite cartoons, while knocking back a case or two of beer.

Now, the question of the day: Why is John Chavez still getting paid for doing naught?

There is a defense one can use if they are facing theft charges: tell the magistrate that you want the same treatment as John Chavez and Ron Martin – both admitted thieves.

Chavez and Martin were both arrested, charged, and booked for theft. Both promised to pay it back, and the charges were dropped.

I’m sorry, that may not work as this is a sweetheart deal only offered to crooked cops.

As a taxpayer, it would help to ask the District Attorney why there are two sets of laws: one for the police and one for everyone else. While you’re at it, demand the fire this Brady officer.

Let’s speak of Frank Frank Rodriguez, the king of overtime and flaunting departmental rules.

No one really likes the financial diva one bit.

“We don’t want him here,” says an officer with the misfortune of working with the diva. “Money, more money, and complaining that people talk about his is all he really talks about.”

Another officer said, “When I see him walk in, It’s all I can do to keep from punching in his smug grin.”

Frank, the diva, is not really there to protect the public. The diva is there only to fatten his bank book and not do any real police work.

“I would like to see the Lt. act like a cop, not some low-level, wanna-be New York City cappo,” says another officer of Rodriguez. “God forbid he actually has to come out and work. He should not be here.”

We agree that when the shooting occurred at 8500 Dyer, Rodriguez decided to evade the gun battle and only arrive when the scene was safe and secure. All he did then was berate other officers as if he were God from on high.

We can write about all the problems with the El Paso Police Department, but change will only happen if you, the citizens of El Paso, decide to share your disgust with city officials.

Your taxes pay for these crooks, drunkards, and philanderers to remain on the payroll and either sit at a desk or on a sofa at home, doing absolutely nothing. Why do you allow it? Then again, no one seems to care. That is the sad thing bout El Paso. No one cares.

Speak out, speak up, and demand change. If not, when a member of the community is killed by a crooked cop, keep you fecking mouth shut.