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Why Wasn’t the Jerusalem Press Updated Recently
We’ve received several emails asking us when we would be publishing to the English website again. The answer? Today.
Over the last two weeks we have been formatting our Yiddish annual for publication. This is a print edition that goes to our monthly subscribers. Getting it all together is not the easiest.
Another venture was getting our data migrated from one set of servers to another, with a brand-new company to host our website.
Lastly, another reason we’ve been silent is due to the amount of hate we received over the last few months: antisemitism from individuals, as well as from members of a government agency in El Paso, Texas. The constant calls from trolls expressing their desire for us to end our lives – It’s all been a bit much for all of us.
As we resume our daily publications here at the Jerusalem Press, we ask you to forgive us, and stay with us. The best is yet to come!
The Jerusalem Press Staff