Southwest News Today

News, Sports, and More… (Formerly The Jerusalem Press)


New Deal: Trading Hamas Terrorists for Hostages

The remaining hostages will be freed by special forces mission and intelligence gathering. Winning the trust of Palestinian civilians by addressing the humanitarian crisis caused by Hamas is the fastest way to do that. If they cannot trust us and cannot live with us in peace, then they can rest in peace.

OPINION: From the Editor

History has begun to repeat itself, as it often does—less than 100 years for history to repeat. Many are beginning to draw comparisons between today, 2024, and 1939. 

Petition: Hold TikTok Accountable

They just put all kinds of nasty things,” said Ms Greenburg. “It made me sit and cry.”

Ms Greenburg is talking about TikTok. More than a few anonymous trolls began to spam her videos with antisemitic rhetoric that included telling her to burn in the gas chambers.

TikTok: Promoting Hate

From promoting antisemitic accounts and Holocaust deniers to allowing live streams to raise funds for Hamas, TikTok has become the media arm for the Fourth Reich.

Hamas, Tunnels, Civilians

“We have built the tunnels because we have no other way of protecting ourselves from being targeted and killed. These tunnels are meant to protect us from the airplanes. We are fighting from inside the tunnels. Everybody knows that 75% of the people in the Gaza Strip are refugees, and it is the responsibility of the United Nations to protect them. According to the Geneva Convention, it is the responsibility of the occupation to provide them with all the services as long as they are under occupation.

Eva Mozes Kor: Hope, A Reason to Live

It’s three in the morning. Outside, it’s cold, dark, and overly quiet. Within moments, you are awoken by the sound of your door being kicked in. It’s German and SS soldiers. 

You’re pulled out of bed. You and your family are pushed down your hallways, punched, and kicked the whole way. An SS officer tells you to grab your things and report to the square below. You’re given five minutes.

What to take? Where are you going? What’s happening?

In Their Words

The following is from one of our readers and friends on social media. This friend has asked to remain anonymous. If you wish to send advice, or messages to the writer of this piece, do send them to us, via email, at [email protected]

Are Public Displays of Judaism a Bad Idea?

Are Public Displays of Judaism a Bad Idea? We are going to be sharing a video from Before that, however, we took a poll and solicited comments. Here are some of the thoughts we received via X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and TikTok.

“I always let it be seen I am Jewish,” said Monica. “From October 7th I want the world to know I am Jewish, and scream Am Yisrael Chai.”

Atomic History

In El Paso there was a man who was part of the Nuclear Weapons Program. He also worked on the ICBM project. Then, the technology he worked on in the ICBM project became the framework for the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo projects. 

This same man was also a prisoner of war when he was shot down in April 1953 while on a mission over North Korea. He also served in Vietnam. He was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis. 

Who am I talking about? Master Sergeant Roy E. Aldridge.