Southwest News Today

News, Sports, and More… (Formerly The Jerusalem Press)

Steven Zimmerman

PD Contract, Pay, and More

On Thursday and Friday, I had the opportunity to speak with more than a few officers with the El Paso Police Department. Each officer recalls my work with the El Paso Herald-Post and police contracts and pay scales. Back then, I was fighting to get anything on a FOIA.

Sun Metro’s Lift – a Disgrace

One of our greatest and most neglected resources is our elders. They have raised us and guided us, and they continue to do so regardless of health or age. Sadly, the City of El Paso seems to want to ignore their needs, creating fear and confusion in a woman in her 80s.

National Guard Shooting on Border

News reports cite a Border Patrol bulletin that said an Indiana Guard member wounded a migrant who was stabbing another migrant at the border in El Paso.

What is the Orthodox Church

“There are a couple Orthodox churches near my house. Can you tell me what the Orthodox church is?”

Man Dies in Police Custody (Click-bait Title)

You won’t like my advice on what we need to do as a community because of Edden’s death: We need to wait.

DUI, Hit & Run, Get Out of Jail Free

The Department and DA gave these officers an early Christmas present. They know they can get away with it now. This is not policing; this is corruption at its finest.

Police Did Not Respond to All Calls

“Think of it as a busy corner that needs a traffic light, or a stop sign,” wrote Mr. Escobar. “You can petition the City Council all you want for a safety device to be installed, but nothing will happen until someone is killed. The El Paso Police Department is administered by a rogue element. No one in this city—City Council, Texas Rangers, even the citizens of the city will care until someone dies from lack of a police presence.”

Rape and Stalking: the EPPD Saga Continues

Slow-moving justice for Police Officers who commit criminal acts seems to be the norm in El Paso.

Arrested, Repayment, Back to Work

The El Paso Police Department arrested Ron Martin, the former president of the El Paso Municipal Police Officers’ Association, on a misapplication of fiduciary property charge on January 5, 2023. They then dropped charges in exchange for repayment of monies.

Preparing for Iran or their Puppets

The Islamic Republic of Iran, a country known for sponsoring terrorism and repressing its citizens, has vowed retaliation against Israel. This threat of retaliation comes after they destroyed alleged consular buildings while targeting Hezbollah terrorists.