Southwest News Today

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News Opinion

America: A Failed State (Opinion Piece)

The following is an opinion piece by Steven E. Zimmerman. Links throughout the article will take you to the source material used. 

America is a state in crisis. We are not merely facing challenges; we are in a state of failure. The American Dream, once vibrant, has been brutally extinguished, and we, as a collective, bear the weight of this demise. 

Consider these staggering figures: 1,340,801 encounters with the CBP along our southern border from October 2023 to March 2024, as the U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported.

273,000 pounds of drugs seized by U.S. Customs and Border Protection between October 2023 and March 2024

According to the National Immigration Law Center, immigrants to the United States are entitled to a plethora of benefits that far exceed those many of us can access. 

  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Emergency Medicaid (includes labor and delivery)
  • Full-Scope Medicaid
  • Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
  • Medicare “Premium-Free” Part A (hospitalization) (Eligibility based on work history.)
  • Premium “Buy-in” Medicare
  • HUD Public Housing and Section 8 Programs
  • Title XX Block Grants
  • Social Security
  • Other Federal Public Benefits Subject to Welfare Law’s Restrictions
  • Benefits Exempt from Welfare Law’s Restrictions

Some states provide assistance to immigrants who are not eligible for federally funded services.

Let’s look at unemployment in the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the current unemployment rate is 3.9%. If, according to the most recent data, from 2022, there are 216.345.030 Americans who are between the ages of 15-65 years of age. Of that, 843,7456 people are unemployed.

According to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, upwards of 8.8 Million illegal immigrants may be employed in the United States. 

According to an article published by the Heritage Foundation in the Summer of 2023, two-thirds of federal arrests involved non-citizens. 

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) published an op-ed in National Review documenting the evidence showing how President Biden and now-impeached Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ refusal to secure the border has helped unleash a new wave of crime across the nation. 

Wrap Up: Biden Administration’s Policies Have Fueled Worst Border Crisis in U.S. History – is an excellent piece from the Committee on Oversight and Accountability. 

I can go on for days, listing everything wrong with America. Listing the problems will not address the underlying cause, and that is the Democratic National Convention and their desire to erase our borders and allow America to become a safe haven for those who would seek to do us harm. 

In El Paso, Texas, I used to live on the border. I don’t mean I lived in a border town; the border was my back fence. Not a single day would go by when untold numbers of people would be walking along the border fence, looking for Border Patrol, the Department of Public Safety officers, or the National Guard to ask for asylum. 

People use a ladder to scale the border fence at the US/Mexico border in Tecate, Mexico, Thursday, April 21, 2022. The men used the ropes to lower themselves down on the United States side. (AP Photo/Denis Poroy)

Not a single day would go by that you would not encounter someone who managed to get over the border fence and run across Border Highway, almost getting hit by a speeding car or truck.

Or how about the hundreds of illegals who decided to storm the border, assault officers, and try to get into the United States? Didn’t know about that? The Texas Tribune has a great article on it.

Of course, the bleeding heart liberals of the Left dedicated that, in the person of a Judge who is a Democrat, to drop the charges. At the same time, groups began protesting against S.B. 4.

Should I go on?

Right-thinking individuals have allowed the United States of America to be hijacked by special interest groups, the Left, and anyone else who wants to open our borders for all the military-aged males seeking entry into our country. 

The Herald Review ran an interesting article on the alarming number of military-aged Chinese males entering the United States

We once held the collective ideal of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That has now become the pursuit of inexpensive gas, enough ammunition to keep my family safe, and the right to not have to pretend that boys are girls and Zee, Zeer, and Gfhaeio are pronouns. 

America, or at least the Left, have lost their minds, their faith, and any hope of redeeming America. 

“All men are created equal …”

“Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness …”

“We the people …”

None of that, which we hold dear, has any meaning or significance to most of those in power today. 

Today, the nation is increasingly misgoverned, misled, and outright attacked by a ruling elite that does not want us to “keep” our Republic. Instead, they would chip away at the Constitution and sell us out to the highest bidder and an ever-increasing number of migrants crossing the border. 

Our jobs, homes, and social services are no longer primarily for Americans. If I needed food stamps, God forbid I ever do need them, I won’t qualify because there is either not enough money in the pot or it’s all earmarked for those entering the country illegally. 

The National Council on Aging says that green card holders can get food stamps. Under SNAP rules, non-citizens who are lawfully admitted for permanent residence (LPR, or individuals with green cards) can be eligible for SNAP assistance once they meet one of the following additional conditions: Live in the U.S. for at least five years.

Still, the National Immigration and Law Center, as shown at the top of this piece, says SNAP and food stamps are going to newly arrived immigrants.

An example is the cesspool that New York City has become. In New York, a “migrant” can receive upwards of $350 for food and baby supplies, while a New Yorker will receive only $200+ if lucky.

This madness needs to stop. We must take our country back, and I never thought I would have to write those words. Yet, here we are, 

Elites today fear American independence, freedom, and heritage. They don’t want our children to inherit liberty and truth because they can’t be ruled. People like Soros, the Democrats, and those on the Left seek a country full of sheep – a constable population that will kowtow to their every desire. 

We need to stand up and fight for our God-given rights. 

We need to end this woke bullshit. You think we would have learned from 9-11, but I guess not. History repeats itself, and now we are well and truly f*%ed.