Southwest News Today

News, Sports, and More… (Formerly The Jerusalem Press)


Iran Attacks Israel

Yitzhak ben Moshe

We will end our continual updates here. Please follow those below who are continuing their live coverage of this unprecedented attack from Iran.

We want to caution our readers against sharing misinformation and only share updates and news from the IDF. To follow the IDF on Telegram, please click here: Telegram: Contact @idfofficial ( ).

Continue to pray for Israel.

Good News: No report of casualties so far.

Israel’s Magen David Adom ambulance service said early on Sunday that it had received no word of any casualties from Iranian drones launched at the country, many of which have been intercepted.

We are sharing SkyNews’ feed of what is currentlyl happening in Iran. We will update this page as news develops.

From within Iran:

ایران اینترنشنال

ایران اینترنشنال تازه ترین خبرهای سیاسی، اقتصادی، اجتماعی، ورزشی، فرهنگی و هنری از ایران و جهان را در تلویزیون و وبسایت خود پوشش می‌دهد. خبرهای فوری، گزارش‌های خبری و تحلیل‌های کارشناسی ایران اینترنشنال را از ماهواره، اینترنت و صفحه‌های ما در شبکه‌های اجتماعی دنبال کنید.

Statements from US Officials

As shared by an official in the White House, “Though involved in action downing drones launched by Iran, and the threat of a measured response by Israel, the President will announce caution in responses as senior Democrat leaders seek to end US support of Israel, and the further transfer of weapons to Israel.”

An official within the State Department had the following to say, “As ISIS has called for lone wolf attacks this past Easter, we fear that because of US involvement in downing drones and missiles from Iran, we fear some sort of reprisal against the United States, or on our citizens within the United States.”

“Iran has said that if there is no response, then this is the end of it,” says another official with knowledge of meetings in Washington, DC. “We believe, that Iran has no intent to honor that request as Israel is already preparing a response. There may be a regional war that we seek to avoid.”

Avi Zimmerman, a reporter with the Jerusalem Press, has shared the following:

“The IDF, in connection with the United States and British military, have seemingly downed all drones launched towards Israel. Iran did, an hour past, indicate that ICBM, or other types of missiles, were launched toward Israel.

“One high-ranking soldier has told me there will be a significant response to this attack.”

“We will launch a significant answer, a significant response to answer this cowardly attack by Iran,” says a high-ranking IDF officer on condition of anonymity. “This will be answered and answered with force.”

No report of casualties so far

Israel’s Magen David Adom ambulance service said early on Sunday that it had received no word of any casualties from Iranian drones launched at the country, many of which have been intercepted.

The U.S. military has shot down some Iranian drones tonight, according to U.S. officials.

The military intends to shoot down Iranian drones and missiles when they come into range of U.S. assets in Iraq, Syria and at sea.

The U.S. has beefed up its air defenses in recent months since the attack on Tower 22 and has re-positioned assets in the region to be ready for this Iranian attack.

British fighter jets and aerial refueling planes based in Cyprus have taken over much of the counterterrorism mission in the skies over Iraq and northeastern Syria, freeing up American warplanes normally operating there to help defend Israel against the Iranian drone attack on Saturday, a British official said.

Iran launching drones toward Israel “is a severe and dangerous escalation,” IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari said in an English video announcement.

Hagari said the IDF is “closely monitoring Iranian killer drones that are en route to Israel sent by Iran.”

“Our defensive and offensive capabilities are at the highest level of readiness ahead of this large-scale attack from Iran,” Hagari continued. “Together with our partners, the Israel Defense Forces is operating at full-force to defend the state of Israel and the people of Israel.”

He said, “This is a mission that we are determined and ready to fulfill.”

Sirens are sounding in southern, Shomron, Dead Sea, Jerusalem, and northern Israel.

Over 100 drones intercepted by US, UK outside Israel – Israeli official

An Israeli defense official tells Army Radio that more than 100 Iranian drones have already been intercepted outside of Israeli airspace, out of hundreds fired at Israel.

The report says the drones were downed by the United States and the United Kingdom.

Earlier, the IDF said it had identified more than 100 drones heading toward Israel.

A short while ago, Iran launched missiles from its territory toward the territory of the State of Israel.

Please be alert and act according to the Home Front Command’s guidelines.

The Home Front Command’s alert system can provide real-time alerts in areas of danger.

I remind you that no matter where the threat is launched from, when an alarm sounds you must enter the shelter and wait there for no less than ten minutes.

We will update in real-time if you are required to stay there for a longer period.

The Aerial Defense Array is fully operational and is intercepting threats wherever required, even at this very moment. At this time, numerous IAF planes are in the air, ready to counter any threat.

You may hear explosions from interceptions or debris falling.

Since there are a variety of threats, the alerts may be issued across wide areas.

I urge you to refrain from spreading unverified rumors and reports.

Please stay updated with the announcements of the IDF Spokesperson and the official guidelines of the Home Front Command.

Continue to act responsibly and calmly as you have been and adhere to the instructions.

We are strong and capable of handling this event.

The IDF will do whatever it takes to protect the citizens of the State of Israel.

In the next hour, I will appear here again and provide updates on any developments.

Iran seeks to expand attacks to countries around Israel for supporting Israel or allowing Israel and its allies to use airspace to intercept drones. Jordan may be targeted for intercepting drones in their airspace.

Jordan may be next target of Iran – IRGC media

According to IRGC-affiliated Fars news agency,Tehran Is closely watching Jordan which may become the “next target in case of any (pro-Israel) move.”

Jordan’s air defences said they were ready to intercept and shoot down any Iranian drones or aircraft that violate its airspace, two regional security sources said.

They said the army was also in a state of high alert and radar systems were monitoring any drone activity coming from the direction of Iraq and Syria.

Residents in several cities in the northern part of the country near Syria and central and southern areas heard heavy aerial activity. A security source said the country’s air force was intensifying reconnaissance flights.

Jordan had earlier said it closed its airspace starting on Saturday night to all incoming, departing and transiting aircraft in what officials told Reuters were precautionary measures in the event of an Iranian strike across its border.

“The relevant authorities took the decision to close the airspace for precautionary reasons as a result of the surrounding security situation,” Jordan’s government spokesperson Muhannad Mubaideen said.

“Iran’s military action was in response to Israel’s aggression against Iran’s diplomatic premises in Damascus,” Iran’s mission to the U.N. posted on X. “The matter can be deemed concluded. Should Israeli regime make another mistake, Iran’s response will be considerably more sever. It is a conflict between Iran and Israel, The U.S. must stay away.” (Reuters)

Iranian media: Ballistic missiles fired at Israel; US official says Iran strike includes 400 to 500 drones.

In accordance with the situational assessment, residents of the northern Golan Heights, the area of Nevatim, Dimona, and Eilat are required to stay near protective spaces until further notice.

Upon the activation of sirens, it is required to enter into a protected space. If there is no protected space, it is required to find the most protected area possible. In any case, it is required to wait ten minutes, and no less.

We ask the public to follow the instructions of the Home Front Command regarding the situation and wait for additional instructions.

Houthi rebels fire drones toward Israel from Yemen

Yemen’s Houthi rebels launched multiple drones at Israel in coordination with Iran, security firm Ambrey says, adding that the projectiles were likely timed to reach Israel simultaneously.

“Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS) were reportedly launched by the Houthis toward Israel. The UAVs were launched in coordination with Iran,” the company says. “Israeli ports are assessed to be potential targets,” it adds, and warns of “collateral damage” to shipping.


President Joe Biden arrived at the White House and was headed into the Oval Office at approximately 5:04 p.m. ET.

He is to meet with principals of the National Security Council to discuss the situation in the Middle East in the White House Situation Room, the White House said.

“We will defend Israel,” says an official with the United States Air Force, on condition of anonymity.

An official at the Pentagon reached out to the Jerusalem Press to say that President Biden of the United States has previously ordered limited strikes on drones fired by Iran. “These actions are occurring along the Iraqi border.”

Iran’s defense minister, Mohammad Reza Ashtiani, told state television that any country that allows its airspace to be used for attacks on Iran will be a target. “Any country that allows its airspace or soil to be used for Israel to attack Iran will receive a firm response from us.”

United States and British Militry Downs Drones

The United States and British military have been conducting aerial strikes against drones along the Iraqi border.

“We will defend Israel,” says an official with the United States Air Force, on condition of anonymity, who spoke to the Jerusalem Press.

Earlier in the day, Kuwait and Qatar closed their airspace to the US Military.

Commanding Officer of the Home Front Command: “We are ready and strong, in both defense and offense; Continue to follow the guidelines”

“We have been at war on several fronts for over six months.

Throughout the war we have faced and have confronted a large number of challenges in a very wide variety of threats, we learned and improved – we are prepared and strong in both defense and offense.

In light of the situational assessment, we have decided to change the defensive guidelines.

Starting tomorrow, throughout the country, there will be no educational activity. Also, gatherings of over 1,000 people are prohibited.

You are required to continue to vigilantly adhere to the guidelines, they may change based on the situational assessment.

So far, your conduct and adherence to the guidelines has been exceptional, keep it up – it saves lives.

The Home Front Command is deployed and prepared throughout the country.

The alert system is prepared and ready, together with the heads of the authorities and the emergency response organizations – we will overcome this challenge.”

Iran names attack ‘Operation True Promise’

More from the Iranian military statement now, which confirms this evening’s attack is in retaliation for Israel’s “repeated crimes” – including the 1 April attack on the Iranian consulate, which Iran has blamed on Israel.

The statement says the attack has been named “Operation True Promise”.

It does not give much more detail about the nature of the attack, other than to confirm the Iranian Air Force launched “tens of missiles and drones towards specific targets” in Israel.

Hezbollah announced in a statement just after midnight that it had fired dozens of rockets at an Israeli barracks in the Golan Heights. It was not immediately clear if the bombardment was connected to the Iranian attack. Lebanon’s state news agency earlier reported intense Israeli bombardment in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that is funded by Iran and targets civilians within Israel.

We’ve been asked if there will be a statement from the White House and President Biden. As such, there are no plans for an address or press conference. The White House has placed a lid on press access.

The airspaces of Israel, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon are all now closed, according to Flightradar24, a real-time aircraft flight tracking tool.

Israeli intelligence has detected the launch of dozens of drones and cruise missiles from Iran and Iraq, according to two Israeli officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss military intelligence. The areas of impact are expected to be the Golan Heights and an Israeli air force base in the Negev Desert, the officials said.

“This is not,” says an Israeli offical, “from only Iran. Iran has elicited support from other in the region.”

Concerning the scope of the attack launched by Iran, the same offical said, “I cannot offically comment, but I will share for you this one thing, there is not going to be an easy way out of this for anyone.”

Sirens sound in northern Israeli town for rockets fired from Lebanon

Sirens sound in the northern Israeli community of Snir amid a rocket attack from Lebanon.

Hezbollah has been carrying out daily attacks on northern Israel amid the war in the Gaza Strip.

There are no immediate reports of damage or injuries in the attack.

Iran’s Defense Minister Threatens Countries That Help Israel

Iranian Defense Minister says any country that opens its airspace or territory for attacks on Iran by Israel ‘will receive Tehran’s firm response.’

“Tehran has launched its first wave of ballistic missiles towards Israel,” according to Iran news.

Information Provided to US Lawmakers Provided Classified Information on Attack

Members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees had classified information made available to them last week on Iran’s plans to strike Israel, two congressional officials told NBC News.

The officials said they expect briefings from administration and intelligence community officials next week when Congress returns, but those briefings have not yet been scheduled.

Egypt calls for restraint so there is no futher war, or harm to people in the region.

Muhammad Aziz, an Orthodox Christian in Egypt, has reached out to the Jerusalem Press, “We are praying for peace, and for the government of Iran to end this as we fear for regional war.”

Three waves of drone and cruise missile attacks were launched from Iran towards Israel

The Cabinet convenes at the Kirya and will assess the situation into the night, Netanyahu: “Prepared for any scenario, defensively and offensively” • Senior Israeli officials: “The drones are expected to arrive in Israel around 2-3 a.m. The goal is to intercept them out of airspace” • In the US: President Biden interrupted his vacation and arrived for security consultations, White House: “We will stand with Israel in defense against the Iranian threat” • Revolutionary Guards: “We attacked specific targets”

Interception attempts and expansion of the attack

  • Report: Interceptions of aircraft have begun over Syrian skies.
  • Jordan has declared a state of emergency and is prepared to intercept drones in its territory.
  • Iran: A third wave of attacks was launched at Israel.

What Was Launched by Iran

From what we know, Iran has launched 100 droans, followed by missles targeting Israel.

Iran has said that they are only targeting government targets and not religious or civilian.

El Al Cancels Flights

El Al has canceled 15 flights, a spokesperson for the airline confirmed to NBC News. The canceled flights were mainly from Europe to Israel.

“In light of the closure of the airspace over Israel, some El Al flights are canceled,” a statement from the airline said.

Updates will be posted on El Al’s website and on social media. Customers whose flights were canceled will be notified when they can book an alternative when possible.

“El Al operates according to the instructions of the security forces and is in direct contact with them,” the spokesperson said.

“Iran has launched unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) from its territory toward the State of Israel… Continue to act responsibly and calmly, as you have done so far, and be sure to follow the guidelines. The IDF is prepared and ready across all its defensive and offensive systems; we have prepared for a variety of scenarios in advance.”