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Israel News

What Can We Do For Israel?

Crown Heights, New York (Avi Zimmerman), The Jerusalem Press – Not a single day goes by that we are not asked how we can support Israel. This attack from Hama has dealt a blow to Jews worldwide.

Among the staff of the Jerusalem Press, we’ve all lost someone – family members, friends – and are having a hard time coming to terms with the reality of the situation. But we are not powerless.

Below is a list of things we can all do for Israel during these times. Now, even with the threats of Hezbollah, we must act.

What You Can Do to Help

What can people around the world do during this dire time as Israel prepares for a war it did not seek?

If you are asking, “How can I help Israel?” here are a few concrete actions that everyone can take.

1. Pray for Israel

Unload your burden and share your tears and fears with God. Pray for the missing civilians and soldiers; pray for the wounded; pray for the soldiers who are in harm’s way, serving to protect their country; pray for the families who have lost loved ones; and pray for the entire Jewish people.

Click here to join a chat group to recite Psalms for soldiers and hostages.

Click here to send your prayer via the Western Wall.

Click here to send a letter to the Ohel of the Rebbe זי”ע

There is a time-honored custom of reciting Psalms in times of distress. King David wrote stirring words that echo our situation today. Recommended are Psalms 20, 83, 121, 130, and 142.

Click here for the text of the Prayer for Israeli Soldiers.

2. Increase Torah study and the performance of a mitzvah, a commandment.

Every mitzvah, every good deed, increases light in the world and creates a spiritual force. Commit to performing a mitzvah more often to create a merit to help protect the people of Israel—whether it is giving charity, attending a class about Judaism, or committing to learning the Torah for a few additional minutes daily. Your actions make a spiritual difference.

3. Host a Family

Due to the situation in the South, many families have been evacuated from their homes. These families need a place to stay, and there is a shortage of hosts. If you live in Israel, consider signing up to host an evacuated family here.

4. Work on Jewish Unity

This unprecedented attack blindsided the government and army. But what everyone did see leading up to this war was the unparalleled lack of unity in the country, between left and right, religious and non-religious. Many people felt that the very foundations of our country were being weakened.

What a tragedy that it takes a war to unite us. Unity doesn’t mean unanimity, that everyone agrees. It means a basic respect and understanding of the other, a genuine attempt to see the other side’s reasonableness and humanity and to love them as brothers and sisters.

During these fateful days, let’s consciously work on decreasing the arguing and vilifying and fostering genuine love and respect. We can only defeat the enemy if we are united.

5. Publicly Support Israel

Contact your elected officials and demand that they publicly support Israel and provide all assistance necessary to the Israeli government and its civilians. Call and write your representatives to have your voice heard.

Now more than ever, those outside of Israel can display public support for Israel. Just like Ukrainian flags and signs of support have been seen all over the world, the same should be done for Israel. Carry and display Israeli flags and signs outside of your home, on your backpacks, and in the windows of your cars. Attend a rally and let your voice be heard.

6. Give Financial Support

Your donation makes a real difference. Here are a few possible options to consider:

Yad Eliezer: Click here to help support families affected by the war.

United Hatzalah: Click here to give money towards equipment for protective vests and helmets, oxygen tanks, defibrillators, trauma bandages, and tourniquets for first responders.

7. Be Vigilant

The war in Israel affects Jews around the world. All Jews are potential targets. If you see something suspicious, say something to security personnel or police.

8. Volunteer

You can donate blood. You can donate supplies and clothing for soldiers and civilians. You can order hot meals for those in need. You can volunteer to ship supplies to Israel. Get creative!

What are some charities supporting Israel? 

To financially support Israel, consider the following charities: Yad Eliezer and United Hatzalah