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IDF News

Iran Supplying Weapons to Hamas

Yitzhak ben Moshe, Editor/Reporter, New Mexico

The world has known but turned a collective blind eye to the fact that Iran has been supplying Hamas with weapons to Hamas for the sole purpose of slaughtering Jewish men, women, and children.

Iran has long been known to be a sponsor of international terrorism. Again, these are facts that the world does not want to acknowledge, including those who support Hamas under the guise of supporting Palestine.

The world also wants to ignore the fact that Palestinians are protesting Hamas and want them out of Gaza. But, the rainbow-colored hair, the left-leaning crowd doesn’t care.

The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) shares what Iranian weapons were discovered.

Iranian Shrapnel Charges and Anti-Tank Mines: The ISA and IDF Thwarted the Smuggling of Advanced Weapons from Iran Intended for Judea and Samaria

It has been cleared for publication that in recent months, Iranian agents have been attempting to smuggle weapons, including advanced arms originating from Iran, into Judea and Samaria with the intention of carrying out terror acts against Israel.

The Iranian agents responsible for these efforts include Division 4000, the Special Operations Department of the Intelligence Organization of the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC), headed by Jawad Rafari, as well as the Special Operations Unit in the Quds Force on Syrian Soil (18840), operating under the head of Unit 840, Asghar Bakhari.

The operation was exposed and thwarted by the ISA and IDF, while investigating detained Palestinian operatives that had attempted terrorist attacks against Israeli targets. Investigations revealed information about the current activities of Munir Makdah, a resident of Ain al-Hilweh in Lebanon who is of Palestinian descent, known for years as an operative of both Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and continues to attempt to carry out attacks.

In the investigations of the involved parties and the ISA’s long-term operations, it emerged that Munir Makdah is recruiting agents in Judea and Samaria to carry out attacks and advance the smuggling of Iranian weaponry and funding to terrorist cells in Judea and Samaria through various channels.

As part of the ISA operation against Munir Makdah, a significant amount of advanced weapons that had been smuggled into Judea and Samaria were seized.

The ISA and IDF are working to locate and thwart the smuggling of Iranian arms into Judea and Samaria and to neutralize the terrorist cells recruited by Iranian agents. Additionally, the ISA will continue operating against those recruited for security activities throughout the State of Israel.

The ISA, in cooperation with other security branches, views with great severity the involvement in security activities directed by Iran and its proxies and will continue to take active measures to monitor and thwart any activity that endangers the security of Israeli civilians and the State of Israel. The ISA will expose and target Iranian efforts to carry out terror activities within Israel and will take action to bring the involved parties to justice.

Details about the arms seized in the operation against Munir Makdah:
* 2 BTB15 peripheral shrapnel charges
* 5 Iranian anti-tank mines model YM-2 and 5 detonators
* 4 M203 grenade launchers
* 15 kg of C4 explosives
* 10 kg of Semtex explosives
* 13 shoulder-fired anti-tank missiles
* 15 RPG launchers
* 16 RPG-7 rockets + explosives
* 25 hand grenades
* 33 M4 rifles
* 50 pistols