Southwest News Today

News, Sports, and More… (Formerly The Jerusalem Press)

In Their Own Words Judaism News

But I Have Jewish Friends!

Yitzhak ben Moshe, Reporter/Editor, New Mexico

This morning, as I was scrolling through X (formerly Twitter), I came across the most asinine posting by someone who calls themselves “The Muslim Cowboy.”

The Muslim Cowboy is sort of an oxymoron.

In a Tweet, the Muslim Cowboy and American who has said that there is nothing that Muhammad has done that he wouldn’t do himself, responded to a Tweet by saying:

“I’m an Ex-Christian
With Jewish Uncles and Cousins
Jews are raised to think everyone else is created to serve them
They were born being taught they were superior by blood. “The Master Race”
It didn’t start on Oct 7, 100 yrs ago or even 1400
It started 3500+ yrs ago”

Why should we care about what an American convert to Islam has to say about Judaism and Jews? Especially considering the Muslim Cowboy is the same person who will scream should you share a picture of Muhammad riding on a pig but has no problem making fun of Jewish people or advocating for child marriage.

The Muslim Cowboy, the same American whom Islam taught to make fun of Christians for their belief.

Why should we care? I’ll tell you why.

This convert to Islam, the Muslim Cowboy, is showing us that Islam is not compatible with Western thought, government, or even our most basic laws. He is showing us, in real-time, how one who embraces Islam undergoes a sort of rewiring process of beliefs, embracing Sharia Law and demanding the people of his own country follow suit.

The Muslim Cowboy may only have 38,000 followers on X. Still, his comments, saying we believe we are the master race and that everyone else is created to serve us, has no basis in reality but will be believed by his faithful minions.

His post has over 1,000 comments, 3,400+ shares, almost 1,000 bookmarks, and 1.3 million views. Most people who read it will take his beliefs as fact and refuse to do their research.

It’s truly sad.

And claiming that you have friends and cousins that are Jewish doesn’t make you an expert. Rather, such a claim smacks of racism.

Just as I was going to respond to the Muslim Cowboy, I noticed that someone we follow on X said what I was already thinking. She was even more diplomatic about it than I could have ever been.

Before I share the response, let me give you a bit of encouragement. Treat antisemitism, and uneducated comments as suspected terrorist activity: If you see something, say something! It’s up to us to share the truth of our faith, our beliefs.

Cheryl E wrote:

I’m a Jew. Not an ex anything. Just a proud Jew.

I have a Jewish husband. Jewish kids. The rest of my family were Jews murdered by Islamists in almost the same way as the Islamists murdered 1200 innocent people on Oct 7.

Jews are raised to think about all the ways they can help all of humanity live better, healthier, more productive lives. We invented so many medicines to cure diseases, jeans that even this Muslim Cowboy wears, cherry tomatoes you all love i[n] salads, Drip Irrigation so that farmers living in arid land can grow crops and feed their families, phone and computer components and software everyone uses, the baby monitor to save babies lives, the defibrillator, Aspirin for all those headaches Islamists cause the world, and thousands of other world changing things.

What you won’t see Jews bringing the world is suicide bombers, or blowing up civilian buses, or flying planes filled with people into buildings filled with people, or hacking innocent women and children with machetes across Africa, or driving over pedestrians at bus stops, or blowing up restaurants, or embassies, or marching in the streets calling for a holy war to massacre an entire people.

We’ve been persecuted and massacred and blamed for all the world’s woes, endured the Holocaust and hundreds of pogroms around the world, yet the few of us that remain stand proudly in spite of the world still persecuting us and massacring us and blaming us for all the world’s woes because they’re too cowardly to stand up to the actual oppressors who publicly state how they want to exterminate us and everyone else who doesn’t believe in their cult.

It didn’t start on Oct 7 or 100 yrs ago, but with regard to where we find ourselves today, it did start 1400 years ago.

We’ve been a proud people for 3500+ years. We brought people the one thing the world seems to have completely lost and forgotten over the past 6 months – MORALITY. Christian values come from a Jew. The same Jew a group of oppressors killed because they were afraid of the truth he spoke which is the Jewish truth that makes up (or made up western values when the west still had values) for two thousand years.

And now, in 2024, Israel stands as the last nation on Earth, a tiny nation, that still believes in those age old Jewish values we gave to you, and we believe that they’re worth protecting and fighting for from those who not only do not value those values, but don’t even value life. We fight for the right to exist, in peace, against those who fight to bring death and violence and destruction.

And though we believe and hope that God may stand beside us and protect us, too many in this world want to make us disappear just as they have tried for over two thousand years.

And you know what? Maybe they’ll succeed this time where they failed before. Maybe my destiny and that of my children is to be murdered by these monsters who so many choose to support. But if I’m honest, I’d rather that be my fate than to have to live knowing the world did nothing like the cowards they seem to be and allowed these savages to destroy every ounce of humanity and goodness that remains today and turn this planet into a desolate wasteland.

For me, my children deserve better. I believe all humans deserve better. And that’s why Israel is at war right now, with our soldiers on the frontlines risking their lives. Because even though the people of Gaza want us all dead, we want them to have the choice to be free of those savages that rule them now and murdered our people. We want them and their children to have the choice of life instead of the only option of death they’re given by their Islamist rulers.

I’m a Jew. I understand what morals are. I’ve lost more in my life than most people here have ever had. And yet I chose to live. I choose for my children to have the choice of life.

I am a Jew… we’ve been improving life and creating life for 3500+ years. That is just who we are.