Southwest News Today

News, Sports, and More… (Formerly The Jerusalem Press)

In Their Own Words

Readers Write

From the Editor: We are publishing the following just as we received it. If you would like to voice your opinion, and remain anonymous, please use the form at the bottom of the article.

Yitzhak ben Moshe
Editor Southwest News Today (Online)
The Jerusalem Press (Print)

Please keep this letter anonymous as I just wanted to write to you with various events that have taken place inside the EPPD. The focus is with Lt. Frank Rodriguez and the northeast regional command. I have been watching from a distance and I have just sat there listening, watching, and now it has come to my mind that I have to speak out because everything that has been going on toward camp is unwarranted.

Officers have a lot to say about what’s going on inside the walls of this region, Since Camp has been unfairly taken out of his region the rumor mill has been on fire. Officers respect camp and to be honest there has never been a sergeant who has always been at the side of their officers or their shift. I was blessed to work with this sergeant a few times and there is no doubt that camp was targeted right from the start from the commander – J. Inciriaga. To make matters worse there were certain people, sergeants who have always seen camp as a threat, he looked different, he spoke different, he was from outside El Paso and what camp brings to the table is unprecedented and this scared a lot of sergeants who they knew were being carried through their careers.

Camp’s name is the go-to name now for anything against the department, this is purely wrong and unjust. There are words written in your past articles that camp had no knowledge of nor was he even here at the time these articles were printed. There is no way that camp knew anything about what was going on behind the scenes. It makes me laugh to see how powerful camp really is if we played into these beliefs of deception. It’s the people who are shallow and who have things to hide that are quick to use camp’s name how do I know this? Because I’ve seen it, I’ve heard it and I am a witness to it.

Mrs. Camp’s videos are true and continues to play out today. We have Lieutenants like Mrs Camp said on her past videos who are protected and do get away with everything and anything. This last week alone Officer J. Luna was handed down 240 hours of suspension for nothing more than a training discipline, but reduced down to 100 hours of suspension. Camp I believe got 40 hours suspension for being the sergeant and the Lieutenant received 0 hours of suspension. It appears there are some drastic targeting here whenever the name camp is mentioned you can be assured he will be disciplined, or if you are attached to camp in some form or another you too will be disciplined.

Lt. Frank Rodriguez has to be one of the most deplorable unscrupulous men on this department who intimidates, bullies, sexually exploits his personnel and this is allowed. Let’s look at the little discussion he had with his boys Sgt Jeffrey Harvel, Sgt Robert Thomas and before the mouths open and the jaws drop, this is backed by pictures taken at the scene of “planting” listening / recording devices on camp’s desk. Yes, I said it, Lt. Frank Rodriguez made his Sergeants plant a recording device to set camp up to make it appear that he was recording conversations to frame camp. To this day there has been no evidence against camp or the item in question what was located of how camp placed the item on his own desk while on his days off, yet the pictures of the scene was recorded because Frank boastfully had deep hatred against camp. These images were recorded and sent to Mr. Zimmerman to produce at his leisure.

Frank was angered that camp made a complaint against him in 2022, this complaint expressed serious concerns against all policy violations that frank ignored along with disgraced Sgt Adan Chavez. Frank had no clue that anyone would write mountainous documentation against him, like how dare he!

It was then, Camp was now being persecuted by Frank, mocking him, throwing his name under the bus, making fun of his nationality, he turned the Department against camp and made this personal. Camp then documented against Frank for a hostile work environment with other witnesses who saw what frank was doing to include northeast regional station cameras, but camp’s complaint was hushed up and nothing was done about Frank despite endless witness statements backing camps allegations. Frank was not removed from his region when this was happening, which was difficult to understand why? (Internal Affairs please explain your lack of action, isn’t this dereliction of duty, how many suspended hours does this investigator get?)

Then the question came forth about Franks spending and accumulation of funds from federal grants, guaranteed spots because of his close relationship with Sgt Mike Garcia who is the king pin of allowing Franks exploitation of taking the money and running on Txdot. The question came up as to how many hours does Frank do on Txdot and this was expressed, this was expressed loud and clear from payroll who sent the files of earnings to Mr. Zimmerman. Once again camp was blamed for this strictly unfounded.

Frank then decided to cook up a plan with Sgt Mike Garcia to file a hostile work environment against camp. But what you don’t know is there was a secret meeting between Frank and his supervisors and the missing evidence of a certain recording device that was given to him by EPPD and Frank began to organize a plan to frame camp and put all the blame onto him causing him to be removed from northeast regional command center, while at the same time arranging plans to move to the westside regional command center and to place a new friendly Lt. into his position

These planted devices were also planted in camps supervisor vehicle to pick up any conversations that could be used against him involving frank. The same device was placed into camps cubicle when camp of course was not there on his days off.

A madman at work then decides to rummage through sergeants desks, opening drawers, checking everything and anything on the direct order of Frank because the heat was getting to hot for Frank, and low and behold a device was found by his faithful Sergeant (Jeffrey Harvel). The smoking gun, but where is the smoking gun? Surely camps prints would be all over that thing, what about the serial number on the device that can be tracked to the purchaser and the seller.

But with some involved planted evidence camp was the bad guy and was removed immediately to mission valley regional command center. How do I know any of this? I was there, I have the pictures, I have it all, except for the missing smoking gun of course this is Franks equipment.

It wasn’t camp who started the craze of secret squirrel it was Franks doing by many years of doing the very same thing with his “good boys”. Camp can only answer what he saw, what he witnessed, what he is going through, everything else you all need to start looking at each and every one of you because if you are using camps name to cover yourselves and hide than you are a bigger coward than Frank is and like Frank you shouldn’t be in uniform.

If you think Frank is a coward or believe he is not, you need to look at wal*mart shooting and watch this king of deception flee from the scene to save his own life. Yet, this department is trying to prosecute camp and fire camp for his wife releasing a video of saving a guys life. That seems fair doesn’t it. Camp did nothing wrong but speak up for his officers and to me that makes him the best damn leader I know and what he is going through right now is completely unjust and for all the times he fought for his officers and spoke on their behalf and gave them time off shame on you all if you have ignored him, not even communicated and just said “hi”…. We should be lucky to have (used) to have camp as a supervisor because you will never see that from anyone else.