Southwest News Today

News, Sports, and More… (Formerly The Jerusalem Press)

In Their Own Words Police

Demotion of Promotion …..

The following was provided to Southwest News Today (Formerly The Jerusalem Press) by Ms. Camp, wife of officer Chris Camp. We feel it’s important to share these stories so that the general public can be made aware of what the El Paso Police Department does to officers who do not join the ‘Old Boy’s Club.’

Good evening Dr Zimmerman,

As you know the El Paso Police Department has targeted my husband yet again on the Rule of 5 decision created by the bias and personal vendetta against him- Sgt Camp #2792. My husband who is overqualified for the position of Lieutenant was “demoted” from this promotion at the very hands of the Chief’s discretion which is an excuse for having any form of personal bias against any such person to be relieved of any form of promotion.

I find this enriching, to say the least as it is common knowledge of some people who are in the position of Sergeants and lieutenants purely based on personal likes from the Chief’s Office. This makes all promotional merits a form of bias, and the questionable marks over the heads of people’s integrity who get promoted.

Let’s take a good look at my husband who is not granted the same equality as most person(s) who have been promoted. The very essence of this Chief against my husband boils down to “retaliation” and “discrimination” made against my husband for doing what’s right and correcting wrongdoings within the department.

Please understand these are not simple errors of verbal or physical traits of “wrongdoing” such as coming into work 5 minutes late and not reporting it, it goes beyond the mechanism of integrity. This is about Lieutenants getting the golden handshake and golden key to be rogue within the El Paso Police Department. Case and Point: Lt. Frank “Coward” Rodriguez single-handedly turned his back on his personnel from his region during an active shooter with mass casualties and a murder scene to save his own “ass”. The aspect of overtime gouging was more financially liable than risking himself being shot into Swiss cheese to save a member of his community, the very oath he swore he would uphold, leaving 8 members of his region to “die” instead of doing the rightful thing. This is what I mean by speaking up about wrongdoing from a higher-ranking Lieutenant who is protected and suckled comfortably by the tit of Chief Pacillas and Chief Inciriaga.

My question is who gets to wipe his “bottom” after “potty” time? You would think after the Walmart shooting we would have higher standards to protect and to serve any further mass casualties but not in Frank Rodriguez’s position, his oath to price gouge every possible opportunity through TXDOT, is the only reason why he is working as a Police Officer along with “SGT Mike Garcia” who does anything for Frank on a whim to include allowing Lt. Frank Rodriguez to do as many overtime hours as he wants despite strict rules in overtime allowance of 25 hours. But once again this only applies to Lieutenants.

The Sergeants who are about to be promoted to Lieutenant should leave the community with serious questions on the caliber of Officers who are about to wear bars upon their collars and dictate orders while given the golden handshake and key all compliments of Chief Pacillas and your City Representatives who disregard any form of criminal or disciplinary actions made against them before promoting. Now keep in mind, my husband holds 3 Degrees (1) Criminal Justice with Indigenous Tribal Law, (1) Masters in Secondary Education, and (1) Master in Mental Health Counseling. A Cinematographer for the Australian Pan-Pacific Union of Motion Pictures (Worldwide). A track record of supporting his officers, mentoring and guiding them through in-field operations. A man who put his safety in harm’s way to protect his Officers and his community unarmed to disarm a suicidal subject within 3 minutes (SAVED A MAN’S LIFE) is discriminated against for not becoming a Lieutenant because my husband spoke up about the worthless CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) Officer Mayra Ortega and Beto Perez who failed to de-escalate the situation. It should be known Chief Pacillas believes when it comes to Mental Health care in El Paso, he would rather the individual kill themselves as he stated:” There’s no law against killing yourselves”. To make matters worse when the concept of better arming Officers with armed shields against suicidal individuals, the Chief decided to purchase the nightsticks of the Rodney King Era to handle the situations better. Haven’t we learned anything since March 3rd, 1991? (Rodney King Assault with PR-24 – Night Sticks).

My husband has been discriminated against, harassed, singled out, demoted, and accused, and this is all for doing what was lawfully right in the course of his official duties. This is repulsive and sickening to see how this Department continues to operate. Minnie Holguin of Human Resources how dare you not fight/speak up against such a ludicrous rule of 5 through a “piss weak” e-mail that you know is unethical, yet you serve the community and the city, didn’t you leave EPPD HR at one stage, I wonder why?

What you have done to my husband and my family is treason in the highest forms of unethical, underhanded dealings with a Chief of Police who has some questionable ethical questions against his own personal and professional antics which I believe will be made public for all to see from other voices within the Department. This Department has taken my husband’s Phone, Hard Drive, His 4th Amendment rights, desecrated my father’s ashes, his Northeast Region, then his Mission Valley Region, his Police credentials, and now his Lieutenant Bars / Promotion gone.

This is your El Paso Police Department today! Harassing people who stand up for the rights of Officers and speaking up against corrupted Lieutenants. The EPPD has wasted its budget on the persecution of my husband for saving a life, yet it could have prosecuted Frank Rodriguez for not saving a life, his Officers, or the public that is the real crime, not my husband! But my husband continues to be harassed and persecuted while Frank Rodriguez wears his bars and collects his overtime gouging monies with the guidance of Sgt Mike Garcia of Police Department Headquarters.

My husband is about to be ordered to Internal Affairs for a statement where Lt. Frank “Coward” Rodriguez accused my husband of a “Hostile work environment”! and Sgt Mike Garcia accused my husband of leaking his cell phone number out to the public! The terrible twos are at it again, trust me my husband wouldn’t waste his time or effort on something so petty, but for what it’s worth whoever did release it, I will personally buy you a steak dinner.

Stay tuned for more on this saga of real deception, and persecution of the El Paso Police Department. I urge the Jerusalem Press to take a closer look at the following Lieutenants: Lt. Robert Yadouga, Lt. Eric Watts, Lt. Ricardo Medina, Lt. Gabe Peralta, Lt. Felisha Milner, Lt. Robert “Bobby” Zavala, Lt. Jason Johnson. These names should be made famous for their “rogued” behaviors.


Email from the El Paso Police Department indicating that Camp will not be promoted:

From: “Holguin, Minnie R.” [email protected]
Sent: Wed, Jul 31, 2024 at 10:38
Subject: Lt Eligible List
Hello Sgt Camp,
I am contacting you regarding the current Lieutenant vacancies and upcoming promotions as I will be overseeing HR and Planning and Research. We recognize participating in the assessment center requires a lot of time and energy. We thank you for your interest and desire to grow with EPPD. At this time, you have not been selected to promote to Lieutenant. This decision was made in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement’s “Rule of Five” and the Civil Service Commission procedures. Your name will remain on the current eligible list until it expires on August 23, 2024.
If you have questions or would like to schedule a meeting, please contact me.
Thank you,
Minnie Holguin

Ms. Camp’s reply to that email:

Good afternoon,

Minnie Holguin,

I apologize for not sending an e-mail to you earlier regarding my husband’s “disqualification” from being promoted to Lieutenant using the rule of 5 clause. I have been busy with media outlets discussing the persecution of my husband for saving a life on a video where this witch hunt continues and now with your current e-mail, the abundant evidence of retaliation, persecution, and discrimination is greatly apparent.

 I have enclosed my concerns over the Rule of 5 decision through the media with the link to the video where I aim these questions directly at you! Yes, Minnie, I did a media release toward you regarding your e-mail: please find enclosed:


Full article:

Before you respond by using the usual political spin doctor explanations such as: ”I can’t discuss anything with you as you are not the applicant”: You can discuss this matter with me because your rule of 5 decision affects not only my husband but affects my family and what we have gone through by this Department that you represent is disgusting to say the least.

“There is a criminal case pending, and therefore he cannot be promoted”: You mean the false allegations, false criminal witch hunt of a Class A Misdemeanor case for releasing a video of my husband saving a man’s life and my husband branded as a hero for doing so, you mean this criminal case is what disqualified my husband for being a Lieutenant?

Isn’t there a female on the list of Lieutenants who has/had a criminal case made against her also? DUI, providing alcohol to minors? Is she also disqualified or does this only matter to my husband for retaliation purposes of bias from Chief Pacillas, and Assistant Chief Julie Inciriaga? She is also your HR Chief too, isn’t she? Hmm, imagine that!

Why wasn’t my husband notified of any such decision before disqualification?

Why wasn’t I informed of any basis for having the rule of 5 implemented?

Why wasn’t my husband allowed to be present when this discussion was in progress?

Why isn’t there any form of due process for the alleged person being present to represent himself as to why he should be promoted? Doesn’t this lead to under-the-table dealings, biases, prejudice, and discrimination?

What forms of appeal are there for such a decision? (If there are any)?

Who is directly responsible for pulling the “rule of 5”?

Why is it that my husband has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, a Master’s of Secondary Education, and a Master’s in Mental health Counseling is now being excluded from promotion?

Saving a man’s life is the department’s policy now for being excluded?

Minnie, you stated if you wish to have a meeting about this decision please contact you. I would like to have this meeting with my Attorneys, with the presence of a national media outlet to discuss this so-called:” discussion” of a promotional position.

Why was it when my friend Steven Zimmerman went to Police Headquarters to discuss this very topic suddenly YOU were not responding, PIO’s (Sgt Robert Gomez) was hiding, and Chief Pacillas was also hiding? Transparency is alive and well in the El Paso Police Department, I see. But don’t worry Minnie, I will be your voice and I will make your name infamous with this “singling out”, retaliation, discrimination, and any other further legal wrongs that you and this department are doing to my husband. I can hardly wait for your response! Please provide me with all the members of this rule of 5, recordings, notes, and anything that concerns my husband’s personal bias against promotion. YOU make the change YOU make the difference; transparency is not a choice it’s a right. I will send you the updated video of your response through this format as a follow-up to the “witch hunt against a local hero”.

Editors Note: Mr. Zimmerman did visit the El Paso Police Department at Five Points, requesting to speak with The PIO, Chief Pacills, and/or Ms. Holguin. No one would come out to visit with Mr. Zimmerman. We will be releasing audio and video from his visit in the coming days.