Southwest News Today

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EPPD Titanic

The following was submitted to us by Aysha Camp. We ask you take the time to read what is happening to this family.

My name is Aysha Jusino Camp, I am a Mental Health Therapist and proud wife of Sgt Camp #2792. I want to thank the men and women of the El Paso Police Department and their spouses for reaching out to me through social platforms, text messages, and e-mails for their endless support of speaking out against the corruption of the El Paso Police Department. I am a New Yorker and as a New Yorker “we” can never be silenced, it’s just our way of life, we expose the wrongdoings especially when it affects you and your family.

The El Paso Police Department is no exception. I want to correct myself for the wrong dates in my last video where I exposed the El Paso Police Department’s witch hunt against my family, I stated March 17th was the invasion of my home through a worthless search warrant, however, this date was, Friday, May 17th, 2024. Since this date, there have been no formal apologies made by Chief Pete Pacillas, Assistant Chief Julie Inciriaga, Detective Victor Ontiveros, or the whimpering Detective Jerome Hinojos, along with the paid-to-lie Sgt Mike Chavez of SIU!

A quick recap, my husband saved a man’s life on February 8th, 2024 where the male subject had a fully loaded handgun pointed at his head. My husband, who put his own life in the line of danger unarmed approached the subject where he was eventually placed in custody without any injuries sustained. Since then, the El Paso Police Department, through the most deplorable set of excuses decided to go after my husband in the most insidious, disgusting manner.

Chief Pete Pacillas often referred to as “Daddy” by his “protected few” spearheaded this waste of Police resources, and taxpayers’ money to make my husband the poster child of the El Paso Police Department for a leaked video that I released. Since then, my husband has been removed from his Region The  Northeast Regional Command, bullied into signing a Cease and Desist Order or face severe discipline or termination, Our house has been ransacked by the SIU (Special Investigations Unit) CSU (Crime Scene Unit), and West Side Patrol Officers on a broad search warrant, My husband removed from full-time duty on administrative leave with pay, and to make matters worse they desecrated my father’s urn/ashes looking for a thumb drive that they already had!

They then took in their possession a sentimental external hard drive that is invaluable to my family which they still have in their possession, for no apparent reason. The Hard Drive in question contains personal family photographs of my husband’s parents (a 90-year-old elderly mother with heart failure who is deaf and communicates by sign language and an 86-year-old father with endless illness who is currently recovering from Prostate Cancer). There were personal sentimental photographs that have no bearing on this witch hunt whatsoever and this was directed by Sgt Mike Chavez who was verbally told by my husband about this Hard Drive if any image is destroyed or the hard drive is damaged there would be dire financial consequences associated to your “evidence”.

This Hard Drive was taken out of pure spite at the mercy and the hands of Sgt Mike Chavez of SIU and Chief Pete Pacillas. You have desecrated and destroyed my husband’s name and my family’s sensitive personal belongings. You have your fingerprints all over this vendetta that you all chose to do for a Class A Misdemeanor that is completely and utterly beyond personal bias!

Assistant Chief Julie Inciriaga you must be one of the most incompetent leaders inside the Chief’s Office, you did nothing for your Officers, however, you protected your Lieutenants at all costs. Lieutenant Frank Rodriguez is a perfect example of your little click that was evident with the disgusting lack of action of October 16th, 2022. You only had to do the right thing, you only had to back up your Officers who put their lives on the line, but you failed your region, you failed your Officers and you failed the citizens of your community!, but instead you were eventually rewarded, promoted to an assistant Chief, I would like to know Julie, what does it take for my husband to get the same appreciation and respect that you give to other supervisors?  Will you show up at the D.A. Office and wheel and deal for them to drop the case/charge like you have been known to do just recently regarding a Sergeant?

What about you Chief Pacillas, are you going to give me and my family the apology that we so richly deserve for your complete personal bias against my family? Are you going to apologize for my husband’s Hard Drive that you refuse to hand over or make any “peace offering”? Are you going to apologize for CSU and SIU desecrating my father’s ashes which is disgusting in all manners? Chief Pacillas are you going to promote my husband to Lieutenant knowing he has 3 formal Degrees and is now branded a local hero for saving a man’s life, his actions go way above any candidate that’s currently in line for promotion, wouldn’t you agree?

Chief Pacillas you started this “war” based purely on your own selfish, childish, biases against my husband because you listened to your little buddies “Sgt Robert C. Gomez, Sgt Michael Short, the Insufferable word salad Assistant Chief Julie Inciriaga, and the biggest coward of the century Lt. Frank Rodriguez,” the credible voices of your hand-picked “click” is astonishing, all one-sided against my husband for speaking up against these individuals. YOU failed to do Police 101, contact my husband, and ask his side of the story, but you couldn’t even do that, a simple phone call to get the other perspective, but once again you failed!

Sir, most of the people in your Department call you the Joe Biden of the El Paso Police Department, and Inciriaga the Kamala Harris of the Department.  I call you the Captain Smith of the Titanic running this Department into oblivion and the iceberg you have struck are your “Yes men”. It’s time for you to jump ship but I wouldn’t count on you getting a hold of a lifeboat or a life jacket, your so-called “Friends” have already taken them for themselves!

Public opinion will be your downfall in the very end, I pity the families who are at the mercy of your decisions, but most importantly I pity your Officers who are constantly being attacked by their own internal bias from their so-called leaders. Internal Affairs, your record of discipline and fighting the department’s wrongdoings leave your department in absolute dispute in the very hands of your Chief. I urge all Officers to fight every disciplinary result to your CLEAT representatives and fight for your name! Internal Affairs doesn’t care if they destroy your morale, your career, or your reputation, you’re just another case to close in their workload.

In all seriousness maybe it takes an Officer to sue the individual Detective who failed to fight for your rights, for your cause, and they wonder why people are planning to quit the department after 10 years, El Paso Police Department you are failing at a remarkable rate, honestly, you couldn’t have picked a better team/chief of “yes” men to sink this department into the Abyss.



