Southwest News Today

News, Sports, and More… (Formerly The Jerusalem Press)


Readers Write: Questions for the Chief

The following was submitted to the Jerusalem Press. We are printing it as is.

Thank you, Mr. Zimmerman, for publishing the wrongdoing of our officials in law enforcement, especially with the El Paso Police Department. There are a few questions that need to be answered for the sole purpose of truth. I believe the deterioration of the El Paso Police Department stems from the many years under Chief Allan’s watch, Chief Pacillas is simply continuing the corruption on the same tracks except under Pacillas watch; the cracks are getting bigger and bigger.

Chief Pacillas claims he is a man of God and likes to focus on religious psalms when it suits him, such as the funeral of Chief Allan, I hate to speak badly against someone who is 6 feet under the ground, but the cover-ups, the old boy system was evident when he was in power. Pacillas is a train wreck of a Chief and should never have been an assistant chief this is where the good old boy system was rampant. How do you go from a Lieutenant to an assistant Chief? Why wasn’t Pacillas elected to take the Commander’s exam like everybody else?

When you start hand-picking your friends for good cushy jobs you have to wonder what else is going on behind the scenes. The chief stated that Officers will be made accountable for their actions, excuse me Chief, YOU should be held accountable for YOUR actions, are you assuming that every man and woman in uniform owes you respect, their livelihoods, and their quality time to please you? You are very much delusional sir, these Officers owe you nothing, just as you have given them nothing but endless problems to their own shifts. YOU have depleted your Department of trust, respect, and honesty. YOU have high-ranking Officers  (Lieutenants) doing whatever they please under the guidelines of your name, you don’t discipline those who are part of your “good old boys” click, you look out for your own but you don’t look out for your Officers. You should be stripped of your colors, and your rank and start making arrangements for an old age home where you can start your wrath of standover tactics there, the Police Department’s true cops of the streets can’t stand you nor do they give two shits about what you want, you are misguided, misinformed and misusing your authority for the good of evil.

So Chief Pacillas here are some questions for you to answer, and dancing around the questions to give false narrative responses will not look good for your so-called “name”.

1.      Why do you waste taxpayers money on PR-24 “Rodney King” sticks when Officers could greatly benefit the use of Arm Shields?

2.      Why do you have a policy of zero tolerance toward Sexual Harassment concerns but you punish the victim and turn a blind eye to the Offender?

3.      Why do thieves who refuse to pay for services rendered get a free ticket out of jail under your authority?

4.      Why is it plausible to offer to pay back stolen monies to drop the case so the Department can not receive another black eye?

5.      Why are the general public not at liberty to receive the same courtesy?

6.      Why is an X president of the EPMPOA (Ron Martin) allowed to keep his rank after stealing monies from his association / Officers?

7.      Why is Lt. Surface allowed to draw a paycheck until he is retired after shaming the ethics and policies of the El Paso Police Department?

8.      Why are your C.I.T. officers afraid to do their job (February 8th, 2024 incident) where a Sergeant has been harassed and victimized again and again for being a hero in saving a suicidal subject’s life?

9.      Why didn’t the 8 Officers get any recognition for sacrificing their lives in the line of deadly fire at 8500 Dyer in October 2022?

10.  Why are your Officers subjected to broken down equipment, subjected to pointless audits, and time-wasting calls that could be streamed line to better serve the public?

11.  Why don’t Officers get a vote for a Chief?

12.  Why isn’t there a timeline for a Chief such as 4 years like a President?

13.  Why do you ignore the real concerns of your Officers and play down their concerns but you do absolutely nothing about their cries for help?

14.  Why does an I.A Detective say that the Chief’s Office is always punishing Officers for BS cases due to bias from Lieutenants.

15.  Do you have any clue as to what your Officers do anymore?

16.  Have you even attempted to try the new WebRMS report-taking software?

17.  When was the last time YOU saved a life and were you harassed and threatened with criminal prosecution for doing so?

18.  Do you even know how to tell the truth?

19.  Why do your PIO’s have city cars when they don’t even show up for Officers when they request them?

20.  Why does Frank Rodriguez get away with any type of scandal or criminal-like activities and get whatever he wants?

21.  Does Frank Rodriguez have a lot of information against the 2nd floor that could expose a lot of serious allegations against the EPPD?

22.  Why are you scared to demote, criminally charge, or terminate a Lieutenant but you have no qualms in doing so to a Sergeant?

23.  Why hasn’t the DOJ started a crucial investigation of the EPPD operations?

24.  Why isn’t the city taking immediate action against grave concerns against the EPPD?

25.  Why does the Mayor of El Paso turn a blind eye to all these serious allegations against the EPPD?

26.  Why are some Officers immune to press releases and mug shots?

27.  How many people do you have in your pocket Chief that refuse to speak up and tell the truth?

28.  Why was the suicide of a retired Officer (Gayton) covered up?

29.  Why are there sex triangles going on involving Assistant Chief’s under your very eyes?

30.  Why do you ignore the real problems but focus on the good cops and make them pay for the evil cops under your watch?

It’s very clear El Paso you have a corrupt Police Department operated by a Chief who cares to continue the pathway of pure corruption, destroying innocent lives, destroying morale, and destroying careers out of pure bias. If the goal was to destroy the EPPD then the city chose the right guy! Congratulations Chief Pacillas, congratulations to the city of El Paso, for you all deserve what you get for NEVER demanding answers, and demanding better, this City deserves the cops you have! To anyone who wants a career as an EPPD you need to go elsewhere, and NEVER look back, EPPD will destroy you, your ethics, and your integrity.