Southwest News Today

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News Police

Sexual Harassed Women Run EPPD?

Editors note: This piece was submitted by an officer with the El Paso Police Department.

You can publish this, as long as any and all identifiers are removed. 

Thank you for sharing the comment by the other officer, it is very enlightening, and shows a troubling problem within EPPD. 

[Editor’s note: what follows in italics is what was provided by a former officer:

The problem with the department is it is held hostage by the fake harassment claims by multiple females who really run the department. Good officers are being targeted and then silenced by the department. Then when complaints are filed for harassment against any female it is buried and male officers are threatened with unwanted assignments. They are sent back to patrol if they do file harassment claims against the females.

Sent from my iPhone]

As a woman, sexual harassment does exist in this department, yet asking the higher up’s and PIO’s they will tell you it does not. 

The El Paso Police Department says it has a zero tolerance for sexual harassment. When IA [Internal Affairs] dismisses complaints from us officers, we are left scratching our heads. In my case, it is not sexual harassment for a male officer to tell me he would like to cuff me up and have his way in the back of the car, or another officer tell me he can f*^k the gay out of me. Even with audio this is not sexual harassment to IA?

I know who Officer ********** was, and what his problems in the department were. He never should have been allowed to enter the academy. But there he was, running around like he was God’s gift to women. 

We, and I am speaking for all my fellow female officers, are not holding the department hostage. We do not run the department. All we want is our fellow, male, officers to treat us with respect. We are not a piece of meat, or a prostitute. Not all of us want to jump in the sack with these officers. We don’t want test answers or better assignments in exchange for “a memorable time.”

What makes this all the worse in my mind, most of these “outstanding” officers are married, cheating on their wives. One day I will tell you about the love triangle that is an open secret. 

I am disgusted by people like former officer *********, Surface, Chavez, even Lt. ********, who I filed a complaint about. They don’t get punished at all. What happened with me, after IA said my complaint was unfounded, I was moved clear across town, and it now takes me forever to get to work, and I get all the s*%t assignments and hardly anything else. 

Our chief doesn’t care at all. Commanders, almost no one seems to care at all.

Ladies, if you want to be a police officer, go anywhere but El Paso. Unless you like having your rear end slapped, called names, and want every cop hitting on you. The El Paso Police Department will not care about you when you finally have enough and report it. 

As for that former officer, **********, he can f*$k the hell right off.

A Female with a Badge