Southwest News Today

News, Sports, and More… (Formerly The Jerusalem Press)

News Opinion

A Hero Without a Cape

(Anonymous – London, UK) The following is from a reader, and we are publishing it as is – Avi

Good Morning Jerusalem Press I was impressed with the video you broke of the subject with a weapon who held it to his head from all perspectives a suicidal subject, and the brave officer who saved his life. It was interesting to see the very denomination of courage of an officer to walk in the line of a desperate subject whose only fate was to possibly end his life. There is no doubt in my mind that mental illness is now an everyday portion of police interactions. It is sad to think that most incidents involving the mentally ill end up in tragic circumstances of legal lawsuits, and allegations, and the victims of the mentally ill never really recover from the shock that the Police had to use lethal force. In London, most Police are not armed and have to deal with verbal de-escalations of their mental health training and utilize their verbal techniques.

It is simply refreshing to see a Police Officer in El Paso, Texas who is armed and has the choice to utilize the subject with a handgun, lay down the gun, and talk to the subject as a means of gaining the subject’s attention. This is real police work based upon true training and compassion. I am disturbed to learn from your articles that this officer’s own Police Department is considering criminal against this Officer for the video being sent out.

In all aspects of the world of police work, this video demonstrates real raw courage, and real raw interactions, in real-time, why would a Police Department go after a real compassionate Officer? This is extremely disturbing to see this happen in the USA, If this happened here in the UK this Officer would be a Hero a real trademark of heroism, and the thought process is this:” He saved a man’s life” is the El Paso Police Department that insensitive and threatened? Who would even take this case? I’m sorry if the El Paso Police Department doesn’t see this as anything but a positive light for the Department but I am truly sorry and ashamed for their lack of empathy.

I would love to see the BBC do a story on this Officer and hear the words directly from his mouth, this is nothing short of a true victory for the El Paso Community. This video is amazing and thank you for sharing this with the world, this needs to be shared for millions to view.